Page 15 of Forever Enough
“Your father and I talked about going to New York to watch you ride. It’s been forever since I’ve been to New York City.”
Avery gasped. “I want to go too!”
Confused, I looked at Bradly. “Wait, you ride bulls in New York City?”
He laughed, and it sent a warm sensation through my entire body. It was a deep laugh that made you want to smile in return.
“Madison Square Garden is transformed for the event.”
“Really?” I asked. “How do they get the horses and bulls there? Or the dirt?”
“Same way they do at each of the arenas. Bring in heavy equipment for the dirt. The horses and bulls travel trailers. It’s a pretty well thought-out and planned event.”
“I’d say so. How many days is it?”
Bradly grinned. “Three days of bull riding in the Big Apple.”
“I love New York in the winter,” Merit said. “Your father was going to talk to you about us joining you.”
“If you want to go, let me know. I’m sure I can get you a hotel room in the event hotel.”
“What about me?” Avery asked.
“I thought you were flying back to France right after the new year?” Bradly asked.
Avery shrugged. “I am, but if I can get a free trip to New York City, I’m totally there! I can spend a few days in New York City and head back to Paris from there. Then I won’t have that long layover and my flight will be shorter.”
Merit slowly nodded her head and turned to me. “Mackenzie, what are you doing for New Year’s Eve?”
“My sister and her fiancé are coming to visit. We’ll probably watch a movie, eat a bowl of popcorn, and watch the ball fall in New York.”
“No!” Avery said. “You need to join us on New Year’s Eve. Lily and Maverick are getting married, then Brock and Lincoln are hosting a huge reception-slash-New Year’s Eve party at their house. I know they would love for you to come.”
Before I could reply, Merit added, “You really should. I hate to think of you three all alone on New Year’s Eve.”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’ll be mostly family, I’m sure, at the wedding and reception, and with my sister and her fiancé in town I wouldn’t want to leave them alone. They’re only going to be here a few short days.”
Everyone went silent. Not two minutes ago, I’d told them I was hiding from my family, and now I was declaring my sister was coming. To answer their unspoken question, I clarified, “I only talk to my sister. She actually lives in New York City.”
“Really? Does she like it there?” Avery asked.
“She does,” I replied as I took another sip of tea. “At least, I think she does. She never complains about it. Doug, her fiancé, is from there. They met when Emily was in college up in New York.”
“Bring your sister and her fiancé on New Year’s Eve,” Merit insisted. “The more the merrier, and I know Lily and Maverick would love to have you all.”
“Lou and her husband will be there,” Avery added. “And you’ll get to meet everyone else! I know they’re going to love you.”
I opened my mouth to thank Avery and politely decline, but Merit jumped in again. “Stella would be so happy to see you, Mackenzie. And Avery is right, it’s well past time you met the rest of the family.”
My eyes bounced from mother to daughter, then finally stopped at Bradly. He remained silent—but something in his eyes suggested he wanted me to say yes. “I’ll talk to Emily about it, but only if you’re sure Brock and Lincoln wouldn’t mind, and most importantly, Lily and Maverick won’t mind three strangers at their wedding.”
Merit grinned, and Avery clapped in delight. “They won’t mind at all. I’ll introduce you to them. To everyone!”
Deciding to leave before I agreed to anything else, I slid off the stool. “I’d better get going. Thank you for the tea, Merit, and for the invite on New Year’s Eve.”
“You’re not working today, are you?” she asked.
“Not all day. I’m just making sure everything is good in the greenhouse. I have a few seedlings I’d like to plant.”