Page 25 of Forever Enough
My heart felt like it was about to beat right out of my damn chest. The way Kenzie dug her teeth into her lower lip, then licked them, had my body tightening with a desire so strong, it nearly caused me to sway on the stool.
What was it about this woman that made me want to know her—in every way possible?
We both jumped when Dan asked how everything was so far.
Giggling slightly, Kenzie said, “It’s amazing. Thank you.”
We sat in comfortable silence as we ate. Once we were finished, I pulled out my phone. “Will you excuse me a moment while I send my uncle a text?”
Kenzie nodded. “Please, feel free. I’m going to run to the restroom while you do that.”
I watched as she slid off the stool and made her way across the restaurant to the bathroom. Fuck, if she wasn’t perfect in every way. And her body…shit, I wanted to explore every inch of her.
“So, she works on your family’s farm, huh?” Dan asked as he grabbed our empty dishes.
Not removing my gaze from where Mackenzie had disappeared, I replied, “I think Heaven must have sent her my way.”
Dan laughed. “Oh, hell. You’ve gone and gotten bitten by the lovebug.”
Turning to look at him, I smiled and winked. “Something like that.” I pulled up my contacts and sent off a text.
Me: Have anything for me to ride?
His response was almost instant.
Uncle Ty: Itching to be on the road?
Me: Not really, but I’m sitting with a pretty girl and I’d like to impress her.
Uncle Ty: LOL! Only you, Bradly. I’ve got one for you. Indoor arena…what time?
Me: In town right now. Two hours?
Uncle Ty: See you then.
I set the phone down and drew in a deep breath. It wasn’t like me to want to impress anyone. I wasn’t even sure I was trying to impress Mackenzie, but more like share this part of my life with her. Even if I walked away from the PBR, I’d still want to climb onto a bull every now and then. She needed to know that what I did now, and would most likely still do in some form or fashion in the future, was dangerous. It was just our first date, but if she was feeling even an inkling of the same thing I was—the need to get to know her more, see her more—I wanted her to know this very important part of me.
Okay, so maybe my mom hadn’t been getting too ahead of herself, after all.
“What’s on the agenda now?”
Glancing up from where I’d been staring at my phone, lost in thought, the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen looked back at me. A burst of yellow just around her pupils led to a color that I now realized sometimes looked green and sometimes looked bluish-gray.
“Your eyes.”
Her head tilted. “Your eyes.”
I laughed. “They change colors. Did you know that? The yellow around your pupil doesn’t, but the outer color sometimes looks green, sometimes blue or like a blue-gray.”
Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. “You’ve been paying attention.”
Nodding, I said, “A person’s eyes speak volumes. My mother told me that once.”
“I think she’s right. Your eyes change as well. Sometimes they look so dark they’re almost black, but when you’re happy or excited, it looks like you have stars in them. Like at night. The most brilliant stars against the black sky.”
A laugh came from behind me, and I turned to see Raine Newhart standing there. She wore a smug expression on her face. I nearly groaned out loud. Of all the women to show up right now, it would have to be the one and only girl I’d ever taken out more than once.
“Stars at night in the black sky? I’m sorry…are you for real right now?” Raine said as the girl standing next to her chuckled. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her.