Page 67 of Forever Enough
“Here are Avery’s riding gloves. Tell her thank you for me.”
He took them and stared at them for a moment before his gaze caught mine. “I’m sorry we have to cut this afternoon short.”
“It’s okay. I had an amazing time, and…” I let my words trail off as I drew in a deep breath and exhaled. “It was more than amazing. It was mind-blowing at times.”
The dimples appeared, and the anxiety in my chest lessened some. Maybe his agent was here to tell him he had to leave earlier than he’d planned, and that was why he was so upset. What else could it be?
He lifted his hand and brushed something off my cheek. “That it was. Next time, I’m going to be better prepared.”
I giggled like a damn schoolgirl. “I’d say I would have a backup plan in place, but I don’t think I’ll be driving my car to the drug store in this snow anytime soon.”
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. His mouth covered mine, and the rest of my tension slipped away. The kiss was like all his kisses. Deep and passionate, and we quickly got lost in one another.
When he slowly drew back, his dark eyes searched my face before they found my gaze. “I hate leaving you for even a few hours.”
I ran my finger along his jaw that was covered with the slightest bit of stubble. “How about I make you dinner at my place, and you come bearing gifts of readiness?”
He dropped his head back and laughed. “Oh, trust me, I’ll be bringing gifts, alright. Some for you to keep in the side drawer of your nightstand.”
I smiled so hard I could feel my cheeks quickly starting to ache.
With one more quick kiss, he said, “Text me when you want me to come over for dinner.”
“Come on over anytime. I’ll have dinner ready at six-thirty if that works?”
He winked and my stomach swooped. “Sounds good. See you then.”
I watched as he made his way over to his truck. He got inside, started it up, and waited a few minutes before he drove off toward his parents’ house.
Wrapping my arms around myself, I realized I was cold. The first thing I needed to do before I went to the greenhouse was to get out of the riding pants and into something warmer.
Twenty minutes later, I was walking into the greenhouse and called out for Lou as I stuffed my knit hat and gloves into my coat pocket. When no one answered, I walked toward the office. The door was open, so I called out Lou’s name again.
“Lou? Are you back here?”
She poked her head out and smiled. “I’m here!”
I stepped into the office—and froze when I saw Duke sitting in another chair.
“Hey, Mackenzie, how’s your day been?”
Remembering my conversation earlier with Bradly, I forced a casual smile. “It’s been amazing. I had a lunch date with Bradly. I think I might have mentioned that.”
He nodded and looked down at a magazine that was open on Lou’s desk.
“Duke was asking about growing some vegetables of his own over the winter, so I was showing him some smaller greenhouses that would work for residential.”
“Oh, that’s nice.” Turning to look at Lou, I asked, “Is there anything you need me to do? I find myself with some free time.”
“No, not at all. Why don’t you just head on home and relax. Everything in the greenhouse has been taken care of.”
“If you’re sure? I don’t mind doing any chores that might need to be done.”
Lou waved me off. “You did everything this morning. I told you winters were going to be much slower. Go, enjoy your day with Bradly.”
Duke smirked. “Now that Crystal’s here, I’m sure Bradly will be busy.”
My brows pulled down some as I turned my attention back to him. “His agent?”