Page 75 of Forever Enough
Turning on my heels, I flew up to my room and quickly threw together enough clothes to last me a few days. Then I pounded back down the stairs, walked through the house, grabbed my coat, and headed out the door.
Before the door slammed shut behind me, I heard Crystal’s angry voice calling my name.
The truck had barely come to a stop before I threw it in park, pushed the door open, and made my way to where Will and Duke were working on the broken pipe. Duke looked up first—and instantly knew why I was there.
When I pointed to him as I got closer, he stood and put his hands up.
“You went too far this time.”
“Fuck,” Will said, quickly standing in front of Duke. “Bradly, don’t do this.”
I came to a stop and balled my fists. “I’m tired of this game, Duke. This goddamn competition thing that’s still going on. I know you like her, but she’s mine.”
“Yours?” Duke said with a laugh. “That’s a pretty bold statement to make about someone you just met. Besides, you’re gonna be leaving again. Do you really think a woman like Makenzie is going to just wait around for you? She won’t.”
I looked at Will, then back to Duke. With a smile, I opened my fists and took a few steps back. I had nothing to prove to either of them. And I was tired of playing Duke’s game.
“That’s where you’re wrong. If you value our friendship at all, you’ll respect the fact that I’m dating Mackenzie.”
Will glanced at Duke. “Dude, you’ve got women tripping over you. Don’t do this again.”
Duke drew in a deep breath, then exhaled. He shook his head and threw up a hand. “Fine.”
He turned around and went back to working on the pipe. Will raised his brows as if silently begging me to back off.
Spinning around, I quickly made my way back to the truck and headed to the farm. Once I was at the barn, I parked, grabbed the bag I’d packed, and headed inside. Barkley looked up from her stall and nickered as I passed, almost as if she knew what fate lie ahead of me. Chief simply watched as I walked by.
I took the steps up to Kenzie’s apartment two at a time. I checked the door to make sure it was locked, which it was. I knocked and tried to ignore the way my heart pounded in my chest. It now made sense why she hadn’t responded to my text. Duke had told her about my past with Crystal, and she probably thought I’d blown her off to have dinner with my agent instead.
“Fuck,” I whispered as my hand sliced through my hair. I knocked harder and pulled my phone out to call her. The first real relationship I’d ever had, and I already messed it up.
“Come on, Kenz, where are you?”
I lifted my fist to the door and was about to start pounding when I heard the lock click. The door opened, and a sleepy-looking Mackenzie stood there staring back at me.
“Bradly? What are you doing here?” she asked, as Pickles pushed past us both and headed down the steps.
Without even thinking, I barged into her apartment, forcing her to take a few steps back. I kicked the door shut, pulled her to me, and kissed her.
It didn’t take her long to melt against me and wrap her arms around my neck. I picked her up and carried her straight to her bedroom.
When I leaned down to place her on the bed, I broke the kiss.
“What…why are you here?”
“Because I needed to see you. Kiss you. Feel you.”
She smiled. “Well, that’s nice, but I thought you had to talk to your agent?”
“I don’t care about her. I made plans with my girl, and I want to be with you.”
Her brows drew in slightly as she said, “I didn’t make any dinner because I thought you weren’t going to be here.”
Narrowing my eyes, I searched her beautiful face. “I’m sorry I even canceled our plans. I was stupid, and to be honest, a bit freaked out.”
“Why?” she asked as she ran her fingers down the side of my face.
“Crystal and I have a past…nothing serious. She was more of a way to release stress, if you will.”