Page 88 of Forever Enough
I sat back, surprised. “He was an amazing father. Rose and Joshua would agree.”
Dad shrugged. “You knew it was time, just like he knows it’s time.” He looked down at the floor, then back up at me. “You’re not working on the ranch because you think that’s what I want, are you?”
Surprised, I shook my head. “Dad, next to bull riding, the only thing I’ve always wanted to do was be a rancher like you. I want this. I want to be a part of helping you run and build the ranch. I want to be here…with my family.”
Smirking, Dad added, “And with Mackenzie.”
“Yes. She’s going to be my family too.”
“Bradly…I wanted to tell you that I’m proud of you. I’m proud that you’ve always followed your heart. You and your sister. I’m proud of the bull rider you are, but I’m prouder of the man you’ve become. And now that both of my kids have made the decision on their own to come back home, you need to know your mother is over-the-moon happy. She cried herself to sleep every time you kids would leave. I’m glad I won’t have to hold her in my arms ever again after she says goodbye to her kids for months at a time.”
I felt the sting of tears in the back of my eyes. “Your words mean a lot to me, Dad. All I’ve ever wanted was to be like you. And I’m so sorry Mom was upset like that. I’m glad we’re all going to be together again as a family.”
He blinked rapidly and wiped a tear away as he cleared his throat. “Your grandfather would have been so proud of you two kids.”
We sat in silence for a moment, neither saying a word.
“I’ve told Mackenzie I’m thinking of leaving the PBR, but I don’t want her to blame herself. Thinking she swayed my decision.”
He thought for a few moments before he answered. “Would it be a bad thing if you were doing it because of her?”
“No, I guess it wouldn’t be. I’m hoping she’ll understand this wasn’t a decision I just made on a whim.”
“She’s a smart woman, Bradly. My best advice is to be honest with her. Tell her you were leaving anyway before you met her, and that having her in your life only confirms you made the right decision.”
I nodded. “That’s what I’ll do. Smart advice, Dad.”
He scoffed. “Of course it is. I had to learn the hard way in order to save you the heartache.”
Laughing, I stood. “I’m glad your life lessons are making mine a bit easier then.”
Rolling his eyes, Dad pushed to his feet. “I would say you’re welcome, but don’t worry, son. You’re gonna fuck up all on your own.”
I frowned. “Thanks for that.”
“Hey,” he said with a small shrug. “I’m only being honest. And if you’re anything like me, you’re gonna fuck up a lot.”
Chapter Eighteen
My phone went off with a text from my sister. Reading the message, I let out a small shriek of happiness.
Emily: Pulling up now!
I grabbed my jacket, threw open the front door, and nearly tumbled down the steps to get outside through the side door of the barn.
Emily and Doug had insisted on renting their own car and driving down from Missoula. They’d gotten in on the 30th, as scheduled, but it was late, and they’d wanted to spend the night in the city before heading to Hamilton this morning. I’d been itching to see her, but understood this was also a short vacation for them. So I gave them the gate code and directions on how to get to the ranch and the barn, and said I’d see them in the morning.
We both screamed when we saw one another, and Doug laughed as we ran, both of us nearly slipping on the lightly snow-covered walkway. Once my younger sister was in my arms, I let go of the tension I hadn’t even known I was holding onto.
Drawing back, I smiled at her. She looked beautiful with her light brown hair in a low ponytail, those brown eyes sparkling, and a look of pure happiness and contentment on her face. That was all I had ever wanted for her; Emily safe and happy.
“Holy cow, this place is insane. The ranch house we passed is beautiful!”
“That’s Merit and Dirk Littlewood’s house.”
Emily raised a brow. “Bradly’s parents?”