Page 16 of Lost In Someone
“I’ll have you whipped into shape in no time,” I say as we run up a steep hill to the lighthouse.
“Hey, fuck you. I’m fit enough. You’re just over-the-top fit.” He flips me his middle finger, and I laugh so much I have to stop. I double over, holding my middle.
“You’ve fucked me plenty, don’t you think?”
Ivan’s eyes go dark as he stalks towards me. “I thought you said you’d never have enough of my dick.” His tone is low, husky, and full of promise.
I shrug. “I can take it or leave it.” I set off again, knowing it will annoy him. I get a dozen steps away from him before he wraps his around my waist and tackles me to the ground, the muddy ground.
“Take that back.” He hovers over me, his mouth close to mine, his hips pressing into mine.
“Okay, okay. I love your dick and always want it.”
His smile is wicked, but he pulls me up and cups my face in his palms. “That’s more like it.” And kisses the fuck out of me.
Now we’re chilling out. He’s watching TikTok videos while I work. The loud ringing of my phone interrupts my concentration. It’s no surprise Merrick’s name lights up my phone. We haven’t spoken since seeing them in the cafe. “Hi, Merrick, what’s up?”
“I thought we’d see you over the weekend, but never mind. Have you got time to meet up today? We’ve got a proposition for you.”
“Yeah, I have time. When and where?” What’s he up to? Whatever it is, he’s meddling. He and Josh used to do it all the time. Always looking for someone for me to date, and I have a feeling he’s doing the same now. And that person will be either Stacey or, if Merrick is really going too far, Merlin.
A week ago, I may have been interested. Merlin is a good-looking man, funny, and great company. But now all I can see is Ivan. This weekend I lost myself in him, and he’s all I see, all I want. For our friends, we’ll have to pretend to take it slow, but in private, we can be who we are.
“Come to us whenever you can. We’ll be in all afternoon.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later.” I drop my phone next to me on the sofa and get back to working out a new exercise routine for Thursday’s beginner HIIT class.
My phone rings again. This time it’s the estate agent in London. “Mr McClean, it’s Alex Richards about your house. I have good news. I have a couple of clients eager to make an offer.”
Even though both he and the other agent said that my house is a desirable property, I hadn’t expected to hear back this quickly. “That’s good news. Let me have them.”
I’ve been thinking about what to do with the money the house will release, including the possibility of opening my gym. Munro will no doubt help me set it up if I need it.
“The first is two nine. I’ve told him it’s probably too low, but I believe he’ll go higher. It’s typical to start low, but in my opinion, he’s way off the mark.”
I inhale sharply. That’s a low offer and not one I’m going to accept. I’m sure I can get closer to the asking price. “What’s the second?”
“The second is three million. Again, a low price. Mr McClean, if you’re open to my opinion, I would reject both. Your property is worth more than that.”
“I agree. I’m not going to take either of them. Are they aware of each other’s offers?” Will this turn into a bidding war between them? Which I’m happy to see where it’ll end, even though it will take more time. The chance of having my lifelong dream come true is worth the wait.
“Yes, I have informed them, but not on what the other has offered. I’ll get back to them straight away, and I’ll be in touch.”
“Thank you, Mr Richards. Have a good day.”
“And you.”
A flutter of excitement runs through me. I grin at Ivan, who’s watching me with interest.
“Good news?” he asks.
“Kind of. I’ve got my house in London up for sale, and that was the estate agent. He’s had a couple of offers. They’re good, but he thinks I can do better, and I agree with him. He’s going to see what they come back with.”
It’s more money than I could ever have imagined having. It’s ridiculous for bricks and mortar to be worth so much. Maybe I shouldn’t be greedy and accept the second offer. If I can clear my head, I’ll feel so much more relaxed. Alex may not come back to me today, so the best thing to do is forget about it and focus on what I have going on here. Not just Ivan but also the classes and my friends. The pace is slower than I’m used to, but that’s a good thing. I have time to socialise and make new friends.
After another blow job in the shower, Ivan and I say goodbye, arranging to see each other later. He goes home while I drive to Merrick’s. Drew answers the door with his usual friendly smile. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him pissed off. This makes me so happy. Merrick deserves to be with someone so good and kind.
“Come in. Willow wanted to make cakes today, but I don’t think it’s going to be her talent in life. She did have clean hands, and they are safe to eat, but the decorations take them to another level.”