Page 10 of The Love Penalty
I shake my head with a rueful grin, biting my tongue against any kind of comeback.
“And the final tally shows that the winners are…” The quiz master draws out the words like he’s announcing the contenders in a WWE match. “The Potterheads!”
“Yes!” I raise my arms with a loud whoop, soaking in the applause.
Lani laughs, clapping along with the crowd, then actually high-fiving me when I hold my hand up.
Seriously, people. Miracles!
The quiz master’s assistant walks over with a friendly grin, gifting us vouchers for a free meal each. Lani passes one of them to me.
“You can keep it.” I wave my hand through the air.
“No way. You answered some of the questions. It’s only fair.”
“Some?” I raise my eyebrows. “Girl, I answered most of them.”
“Most?” She mirrors my expression, her eyes heating with a look that’s downright sexy.
Fuck, I want to take that pretty face in my hands and lay one on her. It’d be the perfect way to shut up the rant she’s just launching into.
And get a slap in the face.
And piss off Caroline.
Which in turn will piss off Casey.
Which will rile Ethan, who’ll call me a douche for crossing lines and?—
“Kidding.” I end her rant like a diplomat and take the voucher from her. If I don’t, she’ll probably lecture me about equal rights or some shit. It’s impossible to be chivalrous these days.
Though she does let me hold the door for her again, so at least that’s something.
We reach the top of the steps and both pause, gazing up at the night sky and not saying anything. It’s stopped raining, but there’s still a damp chill in the air.
“That was fun,” she murmurs. “Never tell anyone I said this, but… you’re really smart.”
I give her a side-eye, fighting a grin as I admit, “Yeah, you’re kinda clever too.”
“Damn right.” She flicks her hair over her shoulder, and I grin at the playful look in her eyes.
So this is what ice looks like when it starts to defrost. Not bad.
Not bad at all.
That smile on his face is way too sexy, and I need to get away from it ASAP.
I can't go letting my guard down now. One quiz win does not suddenly turn Asher into a nice guy. Sure, it makes him a million times sexier than he was before…
Dangerous. Don't go there!
I step forward, suddenly desperate to get away from him, and don't notice how slippery the stairs are until my feet are skidding out from under me.
“Whoa.” A strong arm catches me around the waist, helping me down the last two steps until I'm securely on my feet… and in his embrace.