Page 14 of The Love Penalty
Lennox is only an hour away for me.
Denver’s like a three-hour drive for him, and I doubt Uncle Hayes would be that impressed having to drive all that way because his son was too wasted to even order an Uber.
Although, he would. He’d drive across the country to help his intoxicated son get home safely. Uncle Hayes is the best.
My whole Denver family is, which is why I smile at the phone and try to shake off the frosty chill of my evening.
“I’m at a party. You wanna join me?”
“Nah, man.” I shake my head. “Can’t be assed driving up to Lennox.”
“Come on…” He drags out the words. “I drive to Nolan all the time for you.”
“No, you don’t,” I laugh. “You drive to Nolan for the girls. I just happen to be here too.”
His laughter is sloppy and loud. “So right, man. Nolan’s got great girls.”
“It does.” I nod, reminding myself how true that is.
Lots of great girls who aren’t mean bitches. Lots of great girls who like me and want to hang with me, because I’m fucking awesome.
The words ring hollow in my head, but I shake them off and mutter them under my breath. It doesn’t matter that one chick hates me. That doesn’t make me any less than any other guy at this school.
I clench my jaw, wishing it was easier to believe that.
“Well, you’re missing out,” Harvey slurs. “I’ve got myself some honeys here, and they are ready to par-tay. You know what I’m sayin’? Party, brah. Par…ty!” His voice pitches, and I end up laughing, then shaking my head.
Glancing at my console, I look at the time. It’s only nine thirty, and what kind of loser would I be if I just went back to Hockey House and sulked my ass off?
I should go party with Harvey and his honeys.
“Okay, man.” I nod, pressing down a little harder on the gas. “Send me your location, and I’ll see you soon.”
“That’s my man!” Harvey whoops, and I crack up laughing.
I’m feeling better already. Time to put Lani out of my brain and get myself some Lennox sugar… though I can’t ignore the thought that it probably won’t taste as sweet.
One week after the mind-blowing kiss…
You’d think one little kiss would be easy to forget, but nope.
Every time I let my mind wander for even a second, I track back to the feeling of Asher’s tongue gliding against mine. The way his hand splayed across my back, his grip around my waist. His smell. His taste. His?—
“Stop it,” I whisper under my breath, causing the woman at the table next to mine to glance up and frown at me.
I force a smile, but it’s stiff and awkward and… dammit, I have to get out of here.
Slapping my laptop closed, I figure I can keep studying in my dorm room. Caroline’s over at Hockey House anyway, so I have the place to myself.
I usually love that, but I was feeling restless, which is why I came to this café to do some more work. But this place is making me just as edgy, so I may as well be in the privacy of my own frickin’ dorm room!
With a huff, I storm out of Java Jeans, nearly knocking a poor girl over in my haste.
“Sorry,” I murmur, feeling my face flush as I dip my head and make a beeline for Huxley Hall.