Page 58 of The Love Penalty
But he’s also smart and sweet. In the back of his truck, he wanted to make me feel good. He gave me control, and I knew I could trust him to stop if I asked him to, so I let myself go, and it was better than I could have imagined.
His truck slows outside Huxley Hall, and I feel this weird sensation ride through me. What now? Was this just a onetime thing to prove I could have sex again? Or do I want something more with this lumpatious asshole?
My lips twitch with a grin and I stare down at my hands while he parks the truck and taps his finger on the steering wheel.
“So…” He clears his throat. “I feel like I should probably take you out on a date now.”
I glance across at him. The streetlamp nearby casts a soft glow over his handsome face. I love the contours of his nose and chin. He’s chiseled and… wait. Why did he just say it like that?
I should probably take you out…
My eyebrows dip together. I can feel my face tightening. He doesn’t have to take me anywhere. Like I’m this big drag on his time. Tonight was an obligation-free encounter, and I don’t want him to feel like he’s now got to take me on a date. What a load of bullshit. I’m not some girl who needs pampering!
Anger simmers through me, making my voice terse. “Why?”
“Huh?” He looks at me like I’m stupid. “Because we just slept together.”
“So?” I cross my arms and glare at him. The bugs are still flittering through my belly, but they’re sparking now and I cling to that sense of indignation. “It’s not like you owe me anything. I wanted it just as much as you.”
He’s still staring at me like he’s trying to figure out what my problem is, but then his lips start to curl up at the edges. “Good. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“I did, but you don’t have to take me out now. Tonight wasn’t some services rendered kind of deal.”
“Of course it wasn’t, which is why I’m so confused by why you’re turning it into that.” His voice is tightening now, too, a touch of annoyance creeping into his tone.
“I’m not turning it into that. You’re turning it into that.”
“I just want to take you out to dinner because I like your company!” he snaps, throwing his hands up in the air. “Why is that so hard for you to grasp?”
His outburst shuts me up, and I stare at his incredulous expression until a soft laugh bursts out of me.
“Sorry,” I giggle. “You’ve just got a really cute angry face.”
“Don’t,” he growls.
I clamp my lips together but can’t help my shoulders shaking with amusement.
“You are so annoying,” he mutters.
“Yet you love my company.”
“I know!” He flicks his hands up again. “You make me lose my fucking mind, woman! I should be running for the hills, but all I can think about is hanging out with you. So, just fucking say yes to the date, okay?”
His angry look dissolves, replaced with a frown of sweet desperation that I understand completely. I’m becoming obsessed with thoughts of him, too, and I swear it’s a form of torture.
“Okay.” I finally nod. “I’ll go on a date with you. But I’m paying.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “Forget it, then.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’ve paid the last two times we’ve eaten together. I’m not taking you out unless you let me pay.”
I blink and gape at him for a second. “Are you that much of a chauvinist pig that you won’t let a woman pay?”
“I let you pay twice!” He holds up two fingers. “And you probably have zero idea how hard that was for me.” Swiveling in his seat, he angles his body toward me and reaches for my hands. “I want to take you out and show you how much I enjoy your company by buying you dinner and treating you like a fucking queen. Why won’t you let me do that?”