Page 61 of The Love Penalty
Lani looks like she doesn’t believe me when I nod, and her skepticism only grows when I walk her through to the five-star French restaurant just below the penthouse suite.
Her lips part as she drinks in the view. The hostess seats us by the window, just as I requested.
“How are you tonight, Mr. Bensen?” She smiles at me, and I enter into some polite conversation while Lani continues to stare out the floor-to-ceiling window. The lights of Denver sparkle below us—magical glitter that obviously has her mesmerized.
As much as I want to order champagne, Caroline gave me a heads-up that Lani’s not drinking thanks to what happened, so I settle for sparkling water, then acknowledge one of the regular waiters who seems to be here every time I come.
If my parents ever want a catch-up, they’ll fly into Denver and meet me here. I’m, of course, expected to drive down from Nolan, because why would they drag their pristine butts to my backwater college? Forget that it’s an elite university with a first-class hockey program. It’s certainly no Harvard, so I guess it doesn’t count.
“Wow.” Lani finally turns to look at me, shaking her head in obvious awe. “This is classy.”
She looks impressed, and I’m quietly relieved. I was half expecting her to be one of those people who’s snobby against the rich. I knew I was taking a risk going all out to impress her, but she did ask for it. I’m sure she was half joking, though, so I’m relieved she isn’t judging me for having easy access to this kind of lifestyle.
“I’m glad your parents wanted to save this one.”
I nod, drinking in the candlelit tables around us and the soft clink of silver on china, the quiet conversations, and the piano music wafting above it all.
“It was the twins, actually. This was the first project my father gave away full control of. My brothers found it, envisioned a plan for it, and then made it happen. My mother was all over it, and I think that’s why Dad relented. On paper, this place probably would have gone on the chopping block, which is no doubt why he gave my brothers such a tight budget. But they made it work, marketed it really well, and now it’s like the ‘go-to’ place in Denver if you’re wanting something high-class.”
“Well, it’s definitely that.”
She smiles when the waiter returns with our sparkling water and a detailed list of the specials. We peruse the menu, and she settles on the duck while I order the lamb.
And then time disappears again.
We talk about everything and nothing.
I tell her more about my family but cut those stories as short as I can so we can focus back on her. By the sounds of it, she grew up in a jungle while I grew up in a reptile enclosure. It’s a miracle we have anything in common, but the more I listen, the more I understand that she never felt like she really fit. She would have been a lot happier in my ordered, scheduled, neat and tidy world.
But it could be so suffocating. Her upbringing sounds loud and fun and spontaneous.
Maybe there’s a happy middle ground between the two. Maybe if Lani became my girl, we’d create something just like that.
My insides aren’t even rattled by the thought. As I watch her spoon crème brûlée into her mouth, then drink in her pretty eyes, I’m actually excited by the idea of what we could become.
I’m jumping the gun here. We barely know each other.
But we do. All this talking… I’ve probably found out more about her over this one meal than I know about half the guys on my team, and we’ve been playing together for three full seasons.
Placing her teaspoon back in the ramekin, Lani licks her lips and murmurs, “Delicious.” Then her eyes land on me, and I feel that heat like a fresh lick of flame. “So delicious.”
Oh, she wants me.
She probably has no idea how much she’s been doing it, but her hungry eyes have been drinking me in all night. Every time I’ve been talking, she’s been eyeing me up like a piece of candy, and I’ve got to say… those stares are good for the ego.
And I’m sure I’m giving them back as good as I’m getting them.
By the time I’ve paid and we’re heading for the elevator again, the heat between us is thermonuclear… which is why I guide her to the private penthouse elevator. My all-access pass can get me in anywhere in this hotel, and I swipe my card and step back when the doors open so she can enter first.
“Where does this elevator go?”
“Down to the parking garage,” I assure her when her face flickers with concern. “It’s just that this one is for penthouse guests only.”
“Are we…?” She frowns again. “Are we penthouse guests?”
“Only if you want to be.” I slide my hands into my pockets, trying to look unaffected as I wait for her answer.
She bites her lip and looks around, then shakes her head. “I need to get back for a study group I have tomorrow morning.”