Page 82 of The Love Penalty
Walking through the entrance of Judson Hall, I turn right and start scanning for my girl. This is one of the older buildings on campus, and the brickwork and architecture are pretty cool. That’s why Lani likes eating in here. I guess it’s the closest she can get to the great hall at Hogwarts.
Damn, I love that she’s a Potterhead.
My heart starts to dance as my eyes track along the outer tables near the windows. I spot her at the end of a long one. She’s smiling at the girl she’s talking to, and I can’t wait to come up behind her and wrap my arm around her waist. Claiming her in front of all these people is a privilege.
“There she is,” I murmur, pointing across the room.
“Black hair or blonde?” Harvey asks.
“The Hawaiian Hottie.” I grin.
“That she is.” He nods, obviously impressed. And so he should be. Lani is stunning. “She must be one fine fuck.”
I slap the back of my hand against his chest and stop us walking. Turning to him with a warning glare, I whisper-bark, “Don’t be a douche. That’s my woman.”
“Yeah, yeah. Chill, man.” He raises his hand like I’m overacting, but what the hell?
A fine fuck.
She is, but I don’t need to hear him say that. And you know what? I don’t care if it sounds old-fashioned, but you don’t fuck a girl like Lani. You make love to her, you pleasure her, you share a piece of your soul.
Fine fuck. I shake my head with a soft growl. Harvey can be such an asshole sometimes.
For a second, it makes me hesitant to introduce them, but then he mumbles an apology.
I keep walking and round the tables.
“Hello, beautiful.” I make sure she can hear my voice before I touch her, and she sinks back into me when my arm threads around her waist.
“Hey, sexy.” Tipping her head back, she kisses me, giggling against my lips when I cinch her a little tighter and dip my tongue into her mouth. Turning into me, she lets the kiss go a little further before the throat clearing behind me pulls us apart.
I ease back, brushing my nose against hers and murmuring, “Lani, I’d like you to meet my cousin.”
“Which one?”
“Harvey. He popped down to visit.”
“Oh, cool.” She grins and looks around me.
Harvey steps into view, extending his hand with a smile.
But she doesn’t move.
If anything, she goes stiff beside me. That warmth I was feeling only seconds ago has disappeared. And I have no idea why.
I can’t move.
I can barely breathe.
Thinking logically is impossible right now because all I can see is his face.
In front of me.
And in my memory.