Page 67 of Abel (5th Street 4)
“You already know the answer to that.” Abel pushed the button for the elevator, annoyed and not bothering to look at Andy.
“I’m just saying—”
“Well, don’t ’cause I’m done listening.”
Sighing a bit exaggeratedly, Andy once again did the right thing and shut up about it, saying goodbye instead.
Abel was only glad the girls were supposed to be arriving soon so these guys would be gone soon too. He wanted nothing more than to be alone with Nellie until the fight. It was all the relaxation he needed and then some. He’d happily shut the rest of the world off and concentrate on just her.
Glancing down at his phone again, he checked the other text he had from his mom.
15Mijjjo. La telvisson ? Que? Paso? Bien?
Groaning, he showed Hector the text. “She’s getting better at it.” Hector laughed.
That’s not what Abel had been groaning about. Obviously his mom had seen the brawl on TV. He’d now have to spend time on the phone, explaining to her what happened, which also meant telling her about Nellie sooner than he’d anticipated. The only reason she probably hadn’t called already was because she most likely assumed he was still in the conference.
That wasn’t a call he wanted to make in his room with Nellie within earshot, but he was certain that his mother would be calling soon enough, so he’d get this over with now.
“Let me make this call before we go up,” he told all three guys, now that Noah was there too.
Taking a few steps away from them, he called his mom. As expected, she sounded alarmed about the brawl. “That happens a lot actually, Ma,” he assured her, still irritated that he’d been so certain it wouldn’t happen to him.
“But what did he say that made you so angry? You’re usually so composed. Your Tia Guillermina says that’s all for show, but I know you, Mijo. You don’t do show. So what did that desgraciado say to you?”
Abel pinched the rim of his nose and took a deep breath. “He said some disrespectful things about Nellie.”
His mom was quiet for a moment. “Nellie? Roni’s friend?”
“Yes, Roni’s friend,” he said, walking away even further from the guys since his brother was already laughing.
“I don’t understand. What do they know about Nellie and . . .” That’s the moment he knew it hit her. “How would they know it would make you so angry? Why did it make you so angry? You told me you were not dating her.”
“I am now, and I have no idea how they know about her. I hadn’t told anyone.”
“Mijo, isn’t she Roni’s age?”
“Yeah, she is.” he said very firmly. “She’s twenty-nine, but I don’t care about that.”
“She’s divorced too, no?”
“Yep,” he said, turning back to Hector, who was obviously still within hearing range, because he was getting a kick out of his conversation. “She’s divorced, Mom. And again, I don’t give a shit about that either.”
“Grosero! Don’t use that language when you’re talking to me.”
After apologizing and getting through the rest of her inquisition, his mom finally finished her questioning about Nellie or so he thought. She’d be watching the fight from home because she never watched any of their fights at all. She was only watching this one because it was such a big deal and because she could change the channel or turn the TV off if she got too nervous, but she still refused to watch her son’s fight in person.
“We’ll talk more about Nellie when you get home. Call me tomorrow before the fight.”
Great, this wasn’t over. At the very least, he’d made it clear that while he’d respect her opinion his mind was made up. With Nellie back on his mind, he hurried back toward the elevator.
“So are you grounded?” Hector asked.
“Shut up,” Abel said as he slid his room card then pushed the elevator button but couldn’t help smirking. His brother was such an ass. He was loving this shit.
Gio and Noah each said they were out. They’d only stuck around to give him a few more last-minute tips on what to and not to eat or do before the fight tomorrow. Hector stuck around after Gio and Noah left, but it wasn’t until then that he let Abel know that he was going back to his room too. “Curious,” he peered at Abel. “It takes a lot for you to lose it. What exactly did he say to you? Was his brother talking about Nellie when he said that she’s a freak in the sheets?”
Abel nodded. “And McKinley said some real nasty shit too. I mean I knew he was big on trash talking, but this stuff was just dirty.” Abel shook his head, frowning. “I wasn’t even sure who he was referring to at first, and then he said her name and I lost it.”
“She’s staying with you all weekend?” Nodding again, Abel leaned against the wall since his brother didn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. The elevator had come and gone long ago. “And you’re still seeing her, but not really?”
“No, I’m seeing her for real now.”
Abel figured that since he’d already told his mom and soon the world would know he may as well tell Hector. He smirked when he saw Hector’s brow jump. Of course, he’d be surprised since all this time Abel had been so adamant that it wasn’t anything serious.
“Really?” Hector cracked a smile. “Well, I’m only surprised you’re finally admitting it, because, dude, your poker face sucks when you’re around her. You’re so obviously whipped. I’ve known you had a thing for her since way before the cruise.” Hector looked at him strangely. “How long has it been for real?’