Page 102 of Deadmen's Queen
He slid off the bed, and quickly stripped off, dropping his clothes to the floor in a heap, before climbing under the covers.
“I’ll go lock up,” said Bast.
“Then you’ll come back?” I pleaded, and he nodded.
“Paige?” Nate asked as Bast left the room. “I’ve been here and I understand if you don’t want us to touch you…”
I turned on my side, gritting my teeth at the pain, and wriggled backwards until I felt his large body pressed against my back.
“Please hold me, Nate. Don’t let me go.”
“Oh, baby,” he said, his arms coming around me and pulling me close as Bast had earlier, nuzzling into my hair.
Bast came back in and undressed quietly, turning the lamp off and climbing in with us, facing me. I leaned forward a little, laying my head against his chest, wrapping my arm around his waist, and I heard him take a shaky breath as he did the same. I closed my eyes, focusing on the feel of their warm, strong bodies enclosing mine. No one could reach me here.
“Can I hear waves?” I asked sleepily.
“The house is built on a private beach,” Bast said. “The sea is only a few hundred metres away.”
“You have nice houses,” I mumbled and he laughed quietly.
“This belongs to a friend, but yes, I do. And when you’re better, I’ll have one built just for you, princess. Any where, any style you want.”
My eyes fluttered open, and I met his dark gaze, barely perceptible in the moonlight.
“You still want me to stay with you?”
“Yes, Paige. I want you to stay forever.”
“Forever sounds perfect,” I murmured as my eyes closed again, and warm darkness took hold.
Chapter Thirty Seven
Six weeks later.
I set my brush down, and stepped back from the easel looking at the painting critically. With Doctor Harper’s permission, Bast had arranged for all my paints and art supplies to be brought to the beach house, and on the tenth day of being here, I’d walked into my very own studio. It had been an emotional moment, and I’d burst into tears, much to Bast’s dismay, and it had taken some work to reassure him that it had actually made me happy, as was his intention. I’d been secretly worrying about my course, and the showcase which was coming up in a month. I didn’t want to miss it, but at the same time, the thought of walking back into the art department at Blackvellyn where I’d met… him… was unthinkable.
Not only had Bast arranged for my things to be brought here, he’d spoken to my professors who now assigned me work remotely and checked in every week over video call. They didn’t know exactly what had happened, Bast had told them I’d been in a car crash and needed to be rehabilitated, and Doctor Warner had backed him up. I was still passing my course, and still good to enter the showcase, assuming I finished in time.
Bast had also found me a counsellor, who visited every two to three days, and although our sessions often lead to nightmares on the nights following, I was definitely starting to feel less haunted. Nate had clearly noticed a difference in me, because I’ve overheard him book his own sessions with her, which made me very happy and so proud that he was moving forward like that.
The last few weeks had been difficult, just as the doctor had said, but Bast and Nate had taken such good care of me. They had switched to studying remotely as well, taking turns to return to Blackvellyn when their courses, or businesses required them to be there in person, but I was never left alone.
This time, it had been Nate’s turn to go back, and even though he’d only been gone two days, I was really missing him.
There was a gentle knock at the door, and I pulled it open a fraction.
“Are you in the zone, or can we talk for a bit?” he asked. I loved the fact that they were learning to leave me alone when I was in the painting zone. Other than bringing me food and drink, they’d let me get on with it, and I’d made surprising progress over the weeks to the point I’d not only caught up, but was going to be ready for the showcase a week or so early.
“I’m good, I’ll come out though.” The series of paintings I was creating for the showcase were something new, and I didn’t want any of them to see any of the paintings until the event. Nate and Bast had both assured me they were coming, and Tristan too, if he was finally out of the hospital. Apparently he’d caused some problems the day Bast and Nate had found me. He’d heard what had happened to me and tried to leave, getting into a fight with two security guards and bursting several stitches as well as triggering some more internal bleeding. They’d had to sedate him, and operate again, and it was only my voice on the phone the next day that had stopped him trying again. We’d spoken on the phone every day since, but I’d called him earlier today and he hadn’t answered.
I followed Bast out onto the deck, enjoying the warmth of the breeze that met me. The house really was beautiful, stretching out over a small private beach, sheltered by trees and screens, and there was a large hot tub on the deck that I now used every night without fail. Doctor Harper had said it was good for softening the scar tissue. Sadly, Bast led me to the recliners rather than the hot tub, and I settled onto the white cushions, leaning back and letting the sun warm me.
Bast passed me a bottle of water, and I smiled at him. I loved that he took care of me so well, and Nate too. After spending so long without anyone caring, being fussed over by two very hot men was becoming rather enjoyable.
“What did you want to talk about?” I asked, after taking a drink.