Page 27 of Deadmen's Queen
This time, I did, sensing that this time, she really did mean it. I pulled back, looking down at the trembling mess beneath me. Her eyes were wide and glassy, her cheeks flushed with exertion and pleasure. Tears streamed down her face, and her lips were parted as she gasped for breath. I pulled my fingers away gently, and lowered her legs onto the bed. Rolling her onto her side, I untied her hands. She turned onto her back, and closed her eyes, still breathing heavily. I reached for her hands, rubbing her wrists where the lace had cut into her skin, my eyes fixed on her face. Had I gone too far?
As though she’d heard my thoughts, Paige opened her eyes and looked straight into mine. She gave me the sweetest smile.
“I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk tomorrow,” she said quietly.
I grinned, relief washing over me.
“Sorry, I got carried away. I like watching you come.”
“Clearly,” she said with a soft laugh and a roll of her eyes. She closed them again, but I tugged gently on her hand.
“We need to get you cleaned up,” I said.
She opened her eyes and blinked sleepily at me. Her hand drifted up to her breasts, stroking gently over where I’d come over her skin.
“Do I have to? I like… this feeling.”
My chest both tightened and grew lighter at the same time, and my throat seemed to close up. I swallowed.
“Yes, you have to. Come on, I’ll run you a bath and then you can sleep as long as you want.”
“That sounds nice, Nate.”
It occurred to me as I headed into the bathroom, that whether she was screaming it as she climaxed, or murmuring it softly like that, my name on her lips was the best thing I’d ever heard, and there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep it there.
Chapter Eleven
Ahand stroked gently over my hair and I smiled as I opened my eyes to find Tristan lying next to me.
“Hello sunshine,” he said.
“Too early,” I mumbled, burrowing back into the pillow. Tristan laughed.
“Paige, it's midday.”
I lifted my head to look at him, but although he grinned at me, he sadly didn’t seem to be joking.
“Yep.” Tristan propped himself up on one elbow, watching me. It occurred to me that after what had happened between Nate and I last night, and the very quick bath afterwards, that I must look a right state. It also occurred to me that I was completely naked under the covers.
“Stop staring,” I said.
“I can't help it. You look beautiful in the morning.” His gaze drifted over me, warm and appreciative. “Especially with that just fucked look.”
My mouth fell open at his words, and I blushed as I pulled the sheet higher. The memory of last night's activities flashed through my mind, and Nate’s suddenly conspicuous absence had me squirming uncomfortably. Had he gone downstairs and told Tristan what we’d done. What I’d let him do?
“Where’s Nate?” I asked.
“Got up early and headed over to the gym. Said he needed some time to think.”
“Oh.” My heart sank as my slight embarrassment sank further down into shame. I’d pushed him too far, hell I’d practically thrown myself at him, and now he couldn’t even stay in the same room as me.
“Yeah, it’s not often Nate gets up before ten, and it’s even less often that he wakes up in a good mood, though I can’t say I’m surprised after what I heard last night.”
Tristan winked at me and my face heated.