Page 32 of Deadmen's Queen
“I don’t mind at all. You ok with that Paige?”
I sat up straighter and looked at her. She was worried about me too. I nodded.
“Yes, I’m good. Thank you so much Kate, and I’m sorry I freaked out.”
Kate grinned. “I’ve seen worse, babe, don’t fret about it. I’ll see you tomorrow, maybe we can meet for lunch between classes?”
I smiled. “Yes, that would be great. See you then.”
She got up, then bent over and rifled through the bags, tossing one over to me.
“If you’re going for dinner, you should change into that. He’ll love it.” She winked at both of us, then left.
“You want to change?” Bast asked me. I nodded. I knew he wouldn’t take me anywhere casual enough to wear dungarees, and I was a little excited about the dress Kate had picked out for me. I hoped he’d like it.
“No problem. I’m parked just outside. Go get changed in the bathroom, and I’ll put the rest of the bags in the car.”
Chapter Twelve
Knights wAS already full by the time we got there. It didn’t surprise me, even on a Sunday night, the restaurant was usually booked solid for three months. It was one of the best restaurants in the county, and people came from far around Blackvellyn to dine here.
“Looks packed,” Paige murmured, slipping her hand in mine.
I squeezed her hand. “Don't worry about it.”
The concierge spotted us the moment we stepped through the door, his professional smile widening when he saw me. “Mr. Blake, a pleasure as always.”
“Evening Brooks,” I said, nodding at him. “Normal table?”
“Of course sir.”
We followed him through the tables to one near the back. I liked this table. You could view the whole restaurant, but it was set apart slightly, so people couldn’t overhear your conversation. Paige followed Brooks, and I hung back a little, enjoying the view. Kate had been right. I did like that dress. It was high cut at the neckline, but short on her legs, and the deep blue velvet hugged her curves in a way that made my blood heat. My Persephone was beautiful, and she didn’t even realise it. She moved with an unconscious grace, unaware of the eyes she drew from other tables, eyes that I swiftly rebuked with warning glares.
Paige slipped into the booth seat, and I slid in next to her.
“Your usual, sir?” Brooks asked, already knowing the answer.
“Double brandy, on ice,” I said, nodding.
“And you, miss?”
“I’ll have the same,” Paige said, lifting her chin as she looked at me, her eyes flashing with a challenge.
“Right away,” he replied before disappearing into the crowd.
I raised my eyebrows at Paige. “Double brandy?”
“I needed a drink, and it always smells nice on you,” she said, blushing. “Is that ok?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” I asked, and she looked away uncomfortable.
“Paige, you can order whatever you like, and there will be no judgement at all from me. I want you to relax and have a good time tonight.” She nodded.
“I can't believe you got us in here,” Paige said, looking around, her fingers tracing the ornate patterns on the tablecloth.
“It’s not difficult when you know the owners,” I said.