Page 64 of Deadmen's Queen
The rest of the day passed without any more wobbles, and I could honestly say it was the best Christmas of my life so far. Paige had come downstairs dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a fluffy white jumper looking positively edible, and then Rosa and Paige had taken Max for a walk in the grounds, with Paige borrowing Mum’s wellies and coat. Dad and I had made dinner as usual, while Mum dressed the table, and we spent several hours eating, drinking and laughing around the table before retiring to the living room in a slightly drunken stupor to crash on the sofas and watch festive television. I couldn't remember ever feeling this happy and content as I gazed down at the golden curls that trailed over my arm. Paige cuddled into me, her face peaceful as she slept with her head on my chest. I pressed my lips to her forehead, and looked up to find my parents watching me. Rosa was already fast asleep in a fluffy pile of cushions, blankets and dog on the floor.
Mum smiled at me. “You look happy, son.”
I smiled back. “I think I am.”
“She’s special, isn’t she?” My dad asked, and I nodded.
“But she’s your Persephone?”
I sighed. “Yes, she is.”
“So you share her with Bast and Nate?”
I nodded again.
“How do they feel about her?” Mum asked, frowning.
“Honestly? I think they’re as in love with her as I am, but whether either of them will ever admit it, I have no idea.”
“That's between them and Paige,” said Dad. “Would you be happy sharing her, if that’s how it went after the year is up?”
I looked down at her, then back up at him. “Yeah, I would. Only with them, but yes. They’re already family, but I’d trust them with her completely.”
“Then you need to make sure she knows that,” Mum said.
“And knock some sense into your friends while you’re at it,” added Dad and I laughed.
Paige stirred on my chest, looking up at me with sleepy eyes, and I leaned down, kissing the end of her nose.
“Come on sleepyhead, let’s get you to bed.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to,” she said as she yawned.
I grinned. “Oh really?”
“Really. I don’t want this day to end,” she murmured.
“There’s another ten days before we go back to Blackvellyn,” I reminded her. “And Mum has insisted you stay here for the whole holiday.”
Paige's mouth dropped open and she turned to look at Mum.
“Really? I can stay?”
“Like Tristan said, I absolutely insist,” Mum said, smiling at her. “It will be lovely to have you here and get to know you a bit better. And I very much enjoy watching how happy you make my son. It brings me so much joy, thank you.”
Paige smiled, but I saw her blink a few times, and I knew she was feeling emotional again. I faked a yawn and sat up, pulling Paige up with me.
“Right now, what would make me happy is bed.” I got to my feet, pulling Paige up by her hand. “Night Mum,” I said, bending down to kiss her on the cheek. “Night, Dad.”
“Night, Tris. Sleep well.” He waited till Paige turned towards the door before he gave me a wicked wink, and I grinned.
“I’m sure we will.”
I led Paige back to my room, closing the door behind us. Paige stood in the middle of the room, staring at the bed. I crossed over to her and slipped my arms around her, pulling her back against me and resting my chin on the top of her head.
“What’s on your mind?”