Page 79 of Sheltered
Excitement crept into her features. “Are you serious?”
“Did you already make a plan for us to do something specific, or can we make it up as we go along?” she asked.
There was something about the way she asked that question which would have had me canceling any plans I’d made if I’d already made them. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case, so I answered, “I still have ideas from that list of things you gave me that we could do today, but nothing is set in stone. We can certainly make the decision together.”
Harlow licked her lips, the sight making it impossible for me to not have some unsavory thoughts.
When she said nothing in response, I asked, “What’s going through your mind?”
She hesitated a moment, her eyes roaming over my face in a way I could tell she was trying to communicate something, something that might not have been very far from what I’d just been thinking about. Luckily, I didn’t have to assume or guess, because she finally said, “Well, I was thinking that maybe it would be fun to learn something now.”
I cocked a brow. “Like what?”
“See, the thing is, you’ve done just one more thing to prove to me just how much you care about spending time with me by going into work on Saturday, so we could have this time together today,” she started. “And I think that kind of thing should be rewarded. So, I was wondering if you’d teach me what I need to know to be able to use my mouth on you in one very special spot.”
Just the thought of having her mouth wrapped around my cock was enough to drive me wild. That she was here, asking me to let her learn, made me feel like I might have been living in a fantasy world.
“If that’s really what you want to do, baby, I’ll tell you what you need to know,” I assured her.
She grinned at me, clearly believing she was the lucky one in this situation. God, what had I done to deserve this woman?
Harlow all but scrambled up to sit beside me in the bed, clapped her hands in front of her chest—which forced my eyes to her naked tits briefly—and begged, “Okay. Tell me what to do.”
Not only did I love her eagerness, but I loved her ability to be naked around me without feeling unsure about herself. It was so refreshing to see.
I rolled to my back, tossed the blanket from my body, giving Harlow the same courtesy that she’d given me, and her eyes instantly dropped to my cock.
As she bit down nervously on her lip, I placed my hand on her bare thigh and stroked my thumb along the soft skin there. Once she returned her gaze to my face, I shared, “The first thing you need to know is that with the exception of you using your teeth, there’s nothing about having my cock in your mouth that will be bad. Beyond that, it’s all going to feel good. You can use your hand at the same time, and just like I told you when you learned to use your hand, the same applies here. The firmer the grasp, or in this case, the more suction, the better. If you need to rest your jaw, do it. You can use your hand or pay special attention to the tip with your tongue. Whatever feels natural is going to be more than okay.”
Harlow gave me a nod of understanding and shifted her body completely to face mine, resting on her shins. I could still reach out my right arm to touch her, which I knew would only enhance the experience for the both of us, because there wasn’t a chance that I’d be able to have her doing this, being this close to me, and not be able to touch her.
Instead of diving right in, Harlow bent forward and kissed the skin along my abdomen as one hand went to my thigh and the other on my torso.
Her lips were featherlight on my skin, and her hand that had been resting on my thigh drifted. The softness I felt from her lips was matched by her fingertips.
It was an exercise in restraint like I’d never experienced before now. As much as I wanted what she was doing presently and what she had indicated she intended to do, I also wanted Harlow to be able to have this experience in whatever way she made it happen. And given what I knew about her and the kind of woman she was, I was confident I wouldn’t wind up disappointed by whatever she chose to do.
Whether sensing what I wanted at that moment or merely ready to do it on her own, Harlow’s hand moved away from my thigh and toward my cock. Then she curled her fingers around me, forcing a groan to escape.
Harlow lifted her head away from my abdomen, twisted her head to look in my direction, and shot me a seductive smile that was mixed with a hint of excitement. I got harder just seeing that level of enthusiasm.
And when she licked her lips after returning her attention to my cock in her hand, I knew I was done for.
But I used every ounce of strength I had not to succumb completely and to keep my eyes open. It was a good thing I did, too.
Because Harlow parted her lips over the head and swirled her tongue around the tip several times before taking me deeper into her mouth. She’d gotten about halfway before pulling back until she was at the tip again. And instead of freeing me from her mouth, she took me back in again, going a bit deeper this time.
I watched, mesmerized, as Harlow worked to find a rhythm that worked for her. It didn’t happen immediately, which was to be expected, but once she figured it out, she was unbelievable.
Only then did I allow myself to drop my head back to the pillow while reaching a hand out to touch her.
Harlow seemed to know what I wanted, and she shifted her body in a way that gave me unhindered access to her pussy. As she worked my length with her mouth, I drove two of my fingers inside her.
The grip of her hand tightened around me, and she moaned. The vibration I felt from that moan only enhanced the pleasure she was delivering. We stayed like that a long time, working together to build one another up.
At some point, Harlow freed me from her mouth, but she didn’t quit. She continued to stroke me with her hand and kept her mouth on me, using her tongue to lick and her lips to kiss. And before I knew it, she had me back her mouth.