Page 25 of Perfect Liar
As we were about to go outside and sit on the veranda with John, Lissie broke into tears. She wailed like an abandoned child might, like a child left with only pain and the idea of loneliness…something I understood very well.
Lissie’s heartbreak was the worst thing I’d ever seen.
I dropped onto the floor and pulled her to me, holding her as tightly as I could without hurting her.
She cried and she cried as grief wrecked her little soul.
“My mama’s n-never coming m-mama…”
Please, God, please. Tell me what to do. Help me help her.
We sat on the kitchen floor for thirty minutes until eventually her sobbing became softer and softer. I used a kitchen towel to wipe away the last of her tears.
Will walked in just as I pulled Lissie up from the floor.
Feeling his presence, she turned and fixed her gaze on him.
His jaw dropped, and his eyes widened.
The two of them stared at each other—with eyes the same.
When Lissie turned back to me, her blue eyes burned with the same intensity as his.
So very badly I wanted to ask her what she’d found in his eyes, wanted to ask her if she recognized a small part of herself.
Did she see family in his eyes?
But I didn’t. Instead, I hid my surprise behind a smile.
“I have art supplies in the hallway closet. Choose your favorite colors and wait for me in the bedroom. I’ll be there soon.”
Lissie stared at Will again as she skipped away, once again a cheerful seven-year-old.
I exhaled heavily.
Will crossed the room, meeting me by the sink.
“Are you all right, Ellie?”
I nodded but also avoided his eyes. I’d fallen apart on him the night before.
“Come closer,” he said.
Slowly, I moved into his warm space.
He lifted my chin, forcing eye contact. Maybe he expected more tears, but none fell.
“Ben told you about Detective Parker?” I asked.
“Yeah, he told me.”
“He thinks I had something to do with it.”
The pressure of his fingers on my chin increased.
“Did this detective accuse you?”
“No, it’s the way he looked at me.”