Page 13 of Sweet Poison
“He didn’t do that.”
“Yes, he did,” Pearl said. “And anyway, isn’t that what we came here for?”
“Exactly. Off you go,” Natalie urged. “We live in a tiny backwater town so it’s not every day that a guy like that comes into our reach so grab him with both hands.”
I glanced at Kelly and Pearl. Kelly looked openly envious and Pearl gazed back encouragingly. “Go on, Montana,” she mouthed.
I took a deep breath and scooted out of the seat.
“Give him a smile,” Kelly said suddenly.
I looked at her and she smiled at me wryly. “Not the hyena one, the sexy one where you lift only one side of your mouth.”
“Thanks for the tip, Kelly,” I said softly. I knew it had taken a lot for her to say that. It was clear she wanted the man for herself.
“Now go. Go get him, girl,” Natalie whispered, giving my ass a stinging smack.
I squared my shoulders and turned away from the safe and the familiar.
Chapter 6
-the good the bad and the ugly-
It was clearly a grave mistake to allow Pearl and Kelly to talk me into wearing these shoes. It felt like I was walking on stilts, and I was sure I looked clumsy and graceless. As if navigating through an obstacle course, I cautiously wove my way around busy waitresses and groups of customers towards the bar where I could see him standing with his back to me.
As if he had felt my gaze, he abruptly turned and our eyes met.
And Holy Freaking Cow! The force coming from the inscrutable jaw, hard muscles, and the sheer animal magnetism was shocking. The universe fell away, the bar became like a blurred impressionist painting. The noise, the hustle and bustle around me became oddly muted as if I was underwater. The air itself became as thick as syrup. Time slowed down.
In this strange world there was only him and me … and the feral urge to mate with him. This kind of pure lust had never shown itself before, but now it was undeniable. Full of fierce hunger, it uncoiled inside my body. God, I wanted him. How I wanted him.
In those hushed seconds, I couldn’t move.
I didn’t dare move.
Paralyzed, I just stared at him in amazement. The virility of the man was impossible to describe. It seemed as if sparks of electricity were jumping out of him, flying through the air and landing on my body. The sparks ran through my veins making my heart race, my skin bristle, and my stomach feel as if it had been invaded by a swarm of madly fluttering butterflies.
I felt alive in a way I’d never experienced before. Gosh, I’d never even dreamed I could feel this way by just looking at a man. I’d lived my whole life as innocent as a lark, and my self-imposed celibacy was no hardship at all as I had no interest in the boys around me, or exploring the pleasures of the flesh. Even watching porn just bored me.
Until now …
Now my whole being throbbed for him.
As if he knew I was unable to move, he started walking towards me. His walk was unhurried but purposeful. Like a lion walking towards its stunned prey. As he got closer, I saw that he was even more wildly handsome than I’d originally thought.
His eyes were especially mesmerizing.
Translucent gray and so intensely beautiful you couldn’t look away. In general, I preferred the look of clean-shaven men, but his five o’clock stubble was masculine, rugged, and so, so sexy, I had absolutely no problems with it. What would the rough skin feel like between my thighs? The thought was involuntary and so uncharacteristic for me, that I felt my knees wobble. Then my ankle turned, and to my dismay, I started to go down.
Pure horror flashed through me. Oh, God no! I was going to end up on my butt and disgrace myself in front of this god-like man.
But lightning quick, his hand shot out and captured my elbow in an iron grip.
I leaned into the solid support. “Thanks,” I whispered.