Page 78 of Sweet Poison
-when you’re in love with a beautiful woman-
“Dad, look,” Anya shouted excitedly above the noise of all the festival-goers, “that’s the stand for our school. We are raising money so Mr. Moore can bring underprivileged kids from the city slums and ghettos to come and spend a week learning survival skills.”
Even from a distance, I could see Anya’s gold head. My heart longed for her, but I steeled myself. My inability to control my emotions could get her killed. That was the right line of reasoning to take because it stopped the longing in its tracks. “We can visit your school stand later and make a donation. How about some candy floss, first?”
“No, Dad. The auction is now. All the teachers are lining up for it.”
“What auction?”
“People have to bid to kiss the teachers. The teacher who gets the most money for the cause gets a prize. Come on, let’s go bid for Miss Moore.”
“No, honey. Let’s just make a big donation later, okay?”
“No, Dad,” she insisted. “We have to support Miss Moore. All the other kids are supporting their teachers too. I want Miss Moore to win.”
“What about the candy floss?” I asked desperately.
“Later. Come on, Dad.” She tugged on my hand. “Miss Moore is going up to the stage. It’s her turn already. Hurry up."
I had no choice but to let her drag me to the edge of a small makeshift wooden stage. Montana was standing on it, and she looked embarrassed. Her hair was loose and the slight breeze blew strands into her face, and she impatiently pushed them away. Across the sea of faces our eyes met. She froze, then looked away, her face bright red.
“Bidding starts at twenty dollars for a kiss from the blondie”, a man’s voice chanted. “Do I hear a forty? Forty bid. Gentleman in the left. Now forty. Sixty? Sixty bid. Gentleman in the center. Eighty. Will ya give me one hundred dollars? One hundred dollars bid. One hundred dollars. Got ya, Sir.”
“Bid for Miss Moore, Dad,” Anya cried.
I looked down at her eager face and grinned. “Relax. We’ll bid for her. We just won’t show our hand yet.”
“Would ya bid? Bid now. One hundred and eighty. Gotta get it now. One hundred and eighty. Will anybody give me two hundred? Show us your money. That two hundred, right there. Two hundred and twenty bid. Will ya give me two hundred and forty for the blondie?”
“Five hundred dollars,” a voice rang out.
I turned towards the voice. He was tall and broad and wearing a cowboy hat and I saw instantly that he was in love with Montana. He was looking directly into her eyes and he had a secret smile on his face. He wanted her and he was letting everyone know that he did. To me, Montana was the most beautiful girl in the world, but because she was a virgin because of the way we were together, I’d naively assumed I did not have any competition.
But he was; my rival.
“We have five hundred. Five hundred bid. Five hundred bid. Going once. Going twice.”
A red mist clouded my brain. I didn’t think. I just reacted.
“Ten thousand dollars,” I called.
Montana’s mouth dropped open with shock. There was a gasp and every head in the crowd turned towards my voice.
“Ho, ho, there you have it. Ten thousand bid. Ten thousand bid. Any more bids? Bid Now. No more. Going once. Going twice.”
I looked at the cowboy. He was looking at me with shock and rage.
“SOLD for ten thousand dollars to the gentlemen in the back.”
“You won, Dad. You won,” Anya screamed happily next to me. The auction fever had got to her and she was bouncing with excitement.
Everyone was staring at us as we made our way up to the stage. I leaned down and lightly kissed Montana’s blazing cheek while she stood as still as a statue. Then I turned around and walked down the two steps of the stage. “I’ll wire the money tomorrow,” I told the shocked face of Mr. Moore’s assistant.
I noted the speculative look on her face as she nodded.