Page 16 of A Brilliant Spring
Elissa’s been a little lost lately. It’s been a few weeks since the reading of the will, and she’s been quiet. She’s been home. I think she’s only seen Brandt a handful of times, which is a bit unusual since they’ve been back together. I’m not sure what happened, but he’s been acting strange since the reading. So has she, but in a different way. She’s been kind of drifting along, not really reacting to much, keeping to herself more than normal, and won’t open up about Brandt.
She’s putting everything she has into her work, and I know she’s focusing on that because the CEO vote is coming up soon. She and Brandt went out for Valentine’s Day, and normally she’d have a meltdown or mini panic attack about going on a real date, but there was nothing. She seemed unfazed. She didn’t even tell me how the night went afterward. She hasn’t even poured herself a glass of whiskey in a while. I think the conversation we had with her mother at the restaurant really fucked with her mind.
The day of the will reading wasn’t so great for me either. Rhys messaged me to let me know he booked an appointment at one of the blood collection labs so we can do a non-invasive paternity test. Let me tell you, I’ve never been more humiliated in my life. To think that Rhys would think the baby is anyone’s other than his? It breaks my fucking heart. So, here I am, sitting on my memory foam mattress, wrapped in a towel, and looking into my closet, wondering what the hell I am going to wear. Not necessarily to impress Rhys or anything — it’s just that my belly is a bit swollen now, and I can’t quite fit into any of my jeans. I’m left with a few pairs of Lululemon leggings and a handful of Fabletics leggings — the only things that fit right now.
I huff as I push myself off the bed and shuffle over to my closet to pick through the neatly folded and stacked colourful leggings on the shelf before selecting a sweater that will match. I’ve gone with some classic black Lululemons and a coral American Eagle hoodie with a white tank top layered underneath. Looking at myself in the mirror, I fluff my hair, which has grown significantly over the last couple of months (thanks to pregnancy hormones!) and is now much softer and glossier. I recently even got it trimmed to even out the lob that I once had, and it’s grown more since then. A ding from my smartwatch warns me that it’s now half an hour before the appointment, so I shove my feet into my tall black Hunter boots with the cream boot socks lining them and shrug on my winter coat, struggling to zip it over my bloated belly. Breathe, Riley. You’re growing a baby, you’re not fat.
When I arrive at the lab building, I thank the driver of the car service I ordered for the afternoon and ask him to wait until I text him that I’m done with my appointment.
“Will do, ma’am.”
I shudder at the word “ma’am.” It makes me feel old, and I’m only twenty-four. That, and now I’m going to be a mother? That only makes me feel older. As I slide out of the car, a cold breeze rushes past me, blowing my hair into my face. I accidentally inhale some into my mouth as well. I close the door to the car with a soft thump as my other hand tries to pull out the strands that ended up in my mouth when I walk into someone.
“Sorry!” I cry, still unable to see with the wind whipping my hair into my face. “Damn hair was stuck in my mouth and it’s still blowing into my face.” I give a self-deprecating chuckle as I finally manage to free my face from the chaotic black strands. My heart stills when I hear a familiar voice that makes my heart ache and my blood thrum.
“It’s fine. Let’s go and get this done.”
My heart freezes over at his cold and distant tone, and I steel my nerves for having to deal with him for the next half-hour.
“You didn’t have to come,” I snip. “I’m perfectly capable of getting blood drawn on my own.” I toss my hair over my shoulder and brush past him to enter the building. He’s hot on my heels, and as he starts to speak, his voice is low, rumbling something inside me, making my pussy weep for him. No matter how shitty he treats me, it seems I’ll always be attracted to him.
“Yeah, well, the least I could do is come with you and pay for the fucking test to see if the thing is mine.”
I stop abruptly.
“Thing? It’s a baby. And the least you could do? That’s a joke, right? Fuck this, just leave. I don’t even want you here, I can do this on my own. I can do it all on my own. You don’t want anything to do with me or this baby? Fine. Here’s your out. Paternity test or not, just fucking go, Rhys. I’m so sick of this. I’m not even sure what I did to incur this wrath you seem to have toward me. But I’m over it, and I’m done being punished for your own goddamn actions. I’ve done nothing to deserve the way you’ve been treating me.” My cheeks flare with heat and I’m getting hot, so I unzip my jacket to release some of the heat building inside me before I really blow. Rhys’ face looks pained. “This is hard enough as it is without the shit I get from you. I’m over this Rhys, so please just leave.” My voice breaks as I hold back the tears. I can’t let him see me cry.
I move my feet and start to head toward the room at the end of the hallway when his hand wraps gently around my elbow and pulls me to a halt. Even though his hand isn’t directly touching my skin, I can feel his heat sear through my jacket, revving my heart. His face is worn, and his icy eyes have melted. He releases my elbow and I immediately grow cold, shivering from the loss of his touch.
“I’m sorry, Riles. I didn’t mean to be such a dick right now.”
The use of my nickname makes my heart leap and cry out for more. I need and want him more than I care to admit. And I should be a better woman, not just for me, but for the little kiwi growing inside of me. I should forget about him and try and move on. But I know in my heart that if he was sincere and wanted to try again, even for the sake of the baby, I’d do it in an instant, apology be damned. I miss his broad shoulders, his thick, black hair, and his long, thick cock. I miss the way his lips feel on my skin, the way his touch would leave me breathless, the way his dick fit me like it was made to fit me.
My watch vibrates, distracting me from my thoughts. A text notification from Elissa pops up.
Elissa: Good luck! Let me know if I need to kick the asshole’s ass.
A wave of comfort swells in my heart at Elissa’s message. To think that just a few months ago, when she left, I was a broken person who had relapsed because her best friend ghosted her. I’m so glad to have her back in my life. In our lives. Auntie Elissa. Haha, I like that. I glance up and Rhys’ eyes are still on me, waiting for me to say something.
“Let’s just go,” I mumble, and before he can say anything, I turn on my heel and keep walking until I reach the lab’s door.
I’ve always been afraid of needles. I’m a wimp when it comes to inflicting my body with unnecessary pain — this is why my skin is still unblemished, with zero tattoos and no bodily piercings, other than my ears (which I don’t remember because I got them done when I was really young). So, when a cold sweat breaks out on my forehead, I start to tremble, and my leg starts jiggling uncontrollably, a warm hand slides into mine and squeezes as we’re sitting in the waiting room. Every nerve in my body quiets down, as if Rhys’ touch has magic soothing powers, and I hate the way that my body still responds to him. He lets go of my hand and places it on my thigh, pressing down and squeezing to get me to stop bouncing, and it works. But the floodgates open and now my pussy is seeping, wanting his hand to climb higher up my leg. To touch the fleshy mound of nerves between my legs.
“Riley Jaimeson,” a flat voice hollers out. I jump, jolting me from my dirty thoughts. Rhys gives another squeeze to my leg, and I turn my head to look at him. I can hear the tapping foot of the impatient nurse waiting for me to follow her, but something about the look in his eyes makes me hesitate.
“Do you want me to come with you and hold your hand? I’ll do mine after yours.”
And just like that, my heart melts, and every bit of anger and resentment I’ve felt toward him is gone.