Page 83 of House of Lies
I didn’t want to give her space, but I knew there was no other way. I would give her anything. She just has to ask.
“Tell me what you want from me, Caelia.”
Her fingertips graze my skin so lightly that I can barely feel the touch, but it’s there.
“I want you to lie down.”
She licks her lip, retreating into the middle of the bed. I do what she wants. She has never regarded me with such distrust, not even when she mistook me for my brother. Taking a deep breath, she comes closer, straddling my lap. If she lowers herself an inch more, she’ll see how hard I am for her. She doesn’t. She takes the handcuffs I placed on the nightstand.
“Give me your hands,” she instructs.
I know I’ve honestly lost my mind when I extend my hands, placing them together for her to handcuff me. My gun lies within her reach. I have to trust that she no longer wants to see me dead.
She’ll always be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. No matter how many others I encounter, none will steal my breath away as she does. Caelia takes my wrists in her hands, lifting my arms until they meet the bedpost, the same place where Vanya handcuffed her. The bed frame, made of metal, seems designed to keep someone captive. She handcuffs me without hesitation, turning me into her prisoner. Taking a moment to study my face, she lowers her hips onto my dick. Her eyes close at the contact, and I groan as my dick throbs painfully with need as she rubs against it. Caelia places one hand on the side of my neck and the other on my cheek, leaning closer. Her lips are so close I wish I could wrap my hand in her hair and crush them against mine. I close my eyes, waiting for her to kiss me, noticing a second too late that her weight is gone. My eyes snap open.
Caelia is now wearing my T-shirt, a devilish grin adorning her face.
“Don’t, Caelia,” I warn, my jaw clenched.
“I have to,” she replies before bolting out of the room.
No, she doesn’t have to. She wants to drive me mad.
It was too easy. I don’t think I’ll get very far, but the look on his face was worth it. Closing the door behind me, I quickly run down the corridor, not knowing where I’m going or where we are. The adrenaline pumps through my veins as I search for an exit. It doesn’t take long for Kaz to shout his cousin’s name. There’s a window at the end of the hallway, and I go that way. You’d think I’ve learned my lesson by now: to stay away from windows. My heart is beating too fast. I’m making too much noise as I run. And when I peek through the window, I understand that there’s nowhere to go. I can see at least six men from where I’m standing, all dressed in black, with machine guns resting in their hands. Panic grips me, and I realize there’s nowhere to run. My breath becomes shallow, and I struggle to take in enough air.
Kaz’s voice echoes through the corridor, calling for reinforcements. I don’t know how many people are in this house, but I must keep trying. I open every door I come across, hoping for an escape route, but they all lead to dead ends. Footsteps draw nearer as they climb the stairs, and I duck into a dark bedroom, hiding and waiting for them to pass. Peeking through the frame, I spot Vanya entering the bedroom I just left. It’s my chance to make a run for it. I sprint down the stairs, every muscle protesting with each movement. Russian shouts fill the air, but I push forward, desperation driving me. I reach the front door, only to find it locked. Frustration surges through me as I race through the living room, searching for a window, but none is open.
I dash into an office, spotting a window at the end. Determination fuels me as I grab a nearby chair and smash it against the window, not caring if it gives away my location. I’ve come farther than I expected. As I try to crawl through the shattered glass, I cut my foot on a shard.
Half in and half out of the window, I freeze when I see one of Kaz’s men approaching. My heart nearly stops as I notice the machine gun aimed directly at me. He barks something in Russian, his tone rough and menacing. Fear grips me as I raise my hands in surrender, praying he won’t shoot me. I thought I was done with this life, but I still have a will to live, apparently.
“?? ?????????!” Kaz’s voice comes from behind me.
I turn my head to see Kaz stepping into the office, Vanya following closely behind. I’m in so much trouble. I purse my lips, waiting to see what happens next. Kaz’s cousin wears a grin, finding entertainment in the situation. It would almost be funny if my heel wasn’t bleeding and my heart wasn’t threatening to explode. Kaz put his jeans back on, but his muscles and tattoos are distracting. He’s been hurt, and I don’t want to know how. I don’t want to ask. I don’t want to care. Despite everything, I laugh. Vanya looks at Kaz, wondering if I’ve lost my mind. I might have.
I stare at his face, my heart pounding in my chest.
Kaz makes a come here motion with his fingers, a mix of anger and amusement in his eyes. I shake my head, refusing to comply.
“No?” He lowers his voice, making his tone more threatening.
Vanya says something in Russian, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s purposely trying to provoke Kaz or me.
“Does your cousin not know English, or is he doing it on purpose to piss me off?” I lock my eyes with Vanya’s, refusing to be intimidated by him—a lazy smirk curls on his lips, an enigmatic glint in his eyes.
“I have very mixed feelings about you, Mrs. Benedetti. Is that clear enough for you?” Vanya’s words catch me off guard.
“Do I look like I care what any of you think about me?” I meet his gaze, refusing to be intimidated.
It seems like I have a death wish. I should know better by now. My life has always been ruled by powerful men who treated me like a toy. A doll. A pretty face to parade around. I was ready to end my own life to avoid being sold into slavery. That didn’t change. I’d rather die than go on like this. I didn’t consider Kaz’s reaction, but there is a cocky smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes.
“Try to run again, and I’m going to?—”
Kaz interrupts him, drawing his hand back and taking a gun out. I swallow as he points it at his cousin. His voice is rough, and his tone is angry. There’s no beauty in his native language as he gives his cousin a piece of his mind. Vanya’s face betrays nothing as he stares at the gun.