Page 87 of Romero (The Moreno Brothers 4)
“You must love getting arrested. But then you’re probably used to it, right? Like father, like son?”
Isabel wasn’t going to be able to hold him back much longer. Romero was ready to bury his fist in Charles mouth. The door to the restaurant opened and Isabel’s family walked out. “What’s going on?” Pat hurried toward them. “Is there a problem? Why is he here, Bell?”
“He’s taking me home.”
Charles shook his head. “Some people never learn.” He started to walk toward Pat who had nearly reached them. “Put your dog on a leash, Isabel, before he gets himself into anymore trouble.”
Isabel spun around. “You’re the dog!” Her parents and Pat stared at her. “You’re the one having an affair!”
“Isabel!” Pat looked completely stricken. “Just because you’re mad about—”
“It’s true.” She turned back to Romero. “Tell them.”
Charles stared at her. Pat’s face went sour and she rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’m gonna believe him? Really, Isabel I can’t believe you would—”
“He has a girlfriend in Miami, Pat.”
“No he doesn’t.” Romero said, feeling a little calmer now.
Isabel turned back with a completely confused expression on her face now. Pat crossed her arms looking a little too self-satisfied, so he laid it on her. “He has another wife and a kid.”
No one said anything for a moment then Pat, scoffed. “This is ridiculous.”
Charles said nothing, just stared at Romero.
Romero smirked then turned to Isabel’s dad who appeared shocked. “He’s been taking money donated to the campaign so he can set up his other wife and kid here in San Diego. She gave him an ultimatum. It was either that or she’d come forward and tell Pat.” Romero turned back to Charles. “I guess you don’t have to move her here now uh? Now that the truth is out, she can stay in Miami.”
Pat turned to Charles. “This isn’t true right? He’s making this up, right… Charles?”
Turns out Romero was off with his theory of Pat knowing about Charles’ escapades, because when Charles didn’t say anything, Pat dropped her purse and took a swing at him. Her parents rushed to them, Charles managed to grab hold of her arms and told her to calm down. She was hysterical. The scene only got worse as Pat screamed obscenities and her father and Isabel trying to pull her back. Her mother stood off to the side in near tears pleading with Pat to calm down.
Romero hurried toward them to try and help as people began to gather and restaurant patrons began coming out. Just as he’d reached them he saw Charles grab both of her hands with one of his and the second Romero saw him lift his other hand he knew what was about to happen and he jumped, wrapping his arm around Charles’ neck, startling them all but no one more than Charles. Pat probably deserved to be slapped more than a few times through out her life. But not by a f**king man. “Rule number one, you prick—never hit a woman!” Romero’s grip around Charles’s neck got even tighter, making Charles grunt. “Especially not in front of me.”
Romero’s plan was to kick Charles’ ass, but Pat didn’t give him a chance. With Charles in a choke hold, she took advantage and landed a couple of resonating slaps on his face that could be heard clear across the marina, then topped it with a knee to his groin. Romero let go when he felt Charles body go limp. He fell to the pavement with a groan.
Clearly, now wasn’t the time to let Pat in on everything his buddy from the mall had managed to uncover in just one day. But she knew the most damning thing already. He’d been having this affair for a few years now but it wasn’t until several months ago when his love child was born that his mistress started pressing to be closer to him. That was right around the time he and Pat began pushing for Isabel’s dad to run for Mayor.
The idiot had actually gone and married his mistress when she found out she was pregnant to keep her mouth shut.
As expected, Pat filed for divorce and pressed bigamy charges against Charles. Charles was also hit with charges of embezzlement along with a few other counts of fraud. Isabel was furious that weeks later he still hadn’t done so much as an hour in jail. His lawyers had him out on bail before he ever went in. Romero warned her that he’d probably get off easy.
Even though her dad knew people in high places, unfortunately so did Charles. As bad as she felt for her sister, she was glad she’d found out about Charles before they had any kids together. Ironically all the time her sister had worried Romero or Sabrina would somehow taint her dad’s reputation and harm his campaign, it had been her own husband that ultimately cost her dad the chance to be Mayor. With the scandal that followed about the campaign donations being mishandled her dad decided to resign from running, something Isabel suspected he was secretly relieved about. At least now he could enjoy his retirement in peace.
What Isabel least expected was for Pat to apologize to Romero and even thank him for everything, including jumping in to stop Charles when he was obviously going to slap her. Not only had she apologized, but after witnessing Romero’s indignation regarding a man hitting a woman, she told him she was glad someone like him was watching out for Isabel and she admitted she had him all wrong. While she still said his temper was something he needed to work on, she also said she’d never worry about him turning it on Isabel again.
Although Isabel had said many times that she didn’t care what Pat thought of Romero, she’d never tell him but a tiny part of her was thrilled that she finally had her big sister’s approval, especially about something this important to her.