Page 104 of Pucking Revenge
Sara holds up what looks like a rosebud. “It’s for my clit. Think you can get me off quicker with your tongue?”
My responding laugh is like sandpaper. “Crazy girl, toys aren’t competition. I’m going to use that to get you all worked up, and then I’m going to lap up every last drop of your orgasm.”
“God, that’s hot.” She writhes on the bed, gripping the comforter with her free hand.
I undo the top button of my shirt and take in a deep breath. Then I work the rest of the buttons until my shirt hangs open. “Slide the flower against your pussy, baby. But don’t you dare turn it on.” I shuck my shirt and drape it over the end of the bench, then get to work on my zipper. I pull my cock out just as Sara arches into her toy, seeking satisfaction she’ll never get from a silicone object.
“Look at you, worked up and desperate.” I stroke my shaft and give it a firm tug. “Not nearly as fucking desperate as I am, though.”
She moans as she rubs the pink toy against herself. “Please, Brooks.”
“Turn it on, crazy girl. Let me see what my supposed competition does.”
She holds the toy above her and presses a button. When she sets it against her clit, she practically bows off the bed. My body arches forward of its own accord. I can’t stay seated any longer. I’m too far away from her, and my need to watch exactly what’s happening is too great.
My pants fall to my ankles when I stand. I kick them off in a hurry, then settle myself beside her. When she cries out, I slide my palm over her mouth, silencing her.
Blue eyes grow wide as she stares up at me.
“These sounds are only for me. Your orgasm is mine. He doesn’t get to hear it.”
I’m over the games. I’m over sharing any part of her. And I need to know that she is too. I need to know this is about me. About us. That she’s truly over whatever they had.
Her eyes go hazy with lust, and she writhes again.
I lift my hand and take in every feature of her beautiful face.
“Then you better stuff my mouth with something to shut me up, Saint, because when you’re looking at me like that, with that massive cock in your hand, I can’t be quiet.”
Her taunts work. I laugh, feeling lighter knowing this isn’t about him at all.
I slide up the bed and press the head of my dick against her lips. “This work?”
With a sweet smile, she kisses the crown. Then she circles her tongue around it, making me grit my teeth. “Not sure, but it’s worth a try.”
“Give me that toy,” I demand.
She waggles her brows. “Get it yourself.”
With a grunt, I haul myself over her and straddle her head.
She practically squeals, and with a squeeze of my ass, she sucks me into her mouth.And then when I fuck her face while devouring her pussy, only I hear her screams as she shatters beneath me.
“I’m surprised you let the girl out of your sight.” War props himself up against the counter in my kitchen, beer in hand.
We’re having the first ever Bolts team dinner, and I’m hosting. Not all the guys could make it, but there are enough of us that Daniel and War had to bring chairs from their apartments to seat everyone.
“And I can’t believe you brought team dinners back. This is awesome.”
Our dinners in college were nothing like this. Tonight, we’ve upped the fancy with tablecloths and candles, real forks and plates, and a whole selection of wine. We even have cloth napkins that Aiden spent an inordinate amount of time turning into bolts of lightning. Yes, the napkins are Bolts blue. I can’t make this shit up.
My brother stands in the corner, shaker in hand, humming “La Cucaracha” while swaying his hips. “Who wants a cocktail?”
Daniel is the first to grab a glass of the neon blue drink. “This stuff is delicious.”