Page 135 of Pucking Revenge
Gavin presses his lips together in a firm line. “I wish you had come to me when you discovered what Seb had done.” He looks back at Sara. “I wish one of you had come to me.” He tucks his iPad under one arm and adjusts the brim of his hat. “That bullshit has no place here, and so I did what any good boss would do.”
“Wait, what about Aunt Zo? I thought she?—”
My brother holds up his hand. “I went to see her after I left Beckett’s last night. She’s not happy, obviously, but she loves you. It will take her time to get past what happened, but in the end, she wants you to be happy, and she knows your girl is a big part of that. She told me to tell you she loves you and that Sara’s job is safe. She also turned over her interest in the team to me. After I promised her that I’d fire Seb.” He smiles at that last remark.
“I’ll go see her after the game. Try talking to her again.”
Gavin shakes his head. “She’s on her way to Paris. She’s going to spend some time with Sienna until things die down here.”
It feels wrong to feel so relieved when her entire life fell apart, but I do.
“She knows you were trying to protect her, Brooks. She gets it. But she’s gotta nurse her wounds. Her decades-long marriage is over. It’s a lot to move past.”
Beside him, Sara is crying, her cheeks streaked with tears.
When I realize, I lunge for her and pull her into my arms. “Why are you crying, crazy girl?”
“The guys were willing to sit out of the game? That was—” She shakes her head. “Brooks, look at what they did for you. I’m just emotional, is all.”
With the pads of my thumbs, I swipe at her tears. It doesn’t do any good. They keep flowing as she heaves in shaky breaths.
“They did it for you, Sara.” I bend at the knees and catch her eye. “They didn’t suit up for you. They did it in solidarity along with me, but we did it all for you. You’re a part of this team, crazy girl. Without you, none of us would have played.”
“First Beckett, then you. Do none of you believe in talking things out?” Gavin grumbles. “God, do I have to do everything?”
Sara laughs through her tears and turns in my arms, finding Aiden and War. “Thank you guys so much.”
“Can I have a hug?” Aiden holds his arms out and ambles closer. “I’m a hugger.”
War stays back, fist pressed to his mouth, laughing at my little brother.
“Oh, you’re not getting out of this.” I grab War by the lapels and pull him in. Then the four of us hug it out.
“Get in here, Gavin. We need a celebratory hug,” Aiden croons. “And then I need to come up with a song. I didn’t think we were playing, so I don’t have one prepared. What are your feelings on Ariana Grande? You seem like an Ariana Grande type of coach.”
Gavin frowns and takes a step back. “What kind of nonsense is he spewing?”
I laugh. “See what happens when you insist on talking?”
Sara peers up at me, still locked in our four-way hug. Her eyes are rimmed red, but they’re bright. I release the guys and loop my arms around her, soaking in the warmth of her body and the peace that washes over me when I know I’ve got my girl—my crazy girl, my best friend, the center of my universe—wrapped up tight in my protective hold.
“I love you,” I whisper.
Beside us, Aiden starts to sing.
Sara closes her eyes and laughs into my chest. “I love you too, Brookie.”
“Good Evening, Boston. Eliza here with my co-host, Colton, for a special edition of the Hockey Report.”
“Thanks, Eliza. Are you as excited as I am about our special guests?”
“Of course, Colton. I told you the edging would be worth it.”
“Please stop saying things like that in public. Actually, for the sake of my sanity, please stop saying things like that period.”
“Oh,” Sara squeals. “I love a good edging.”