Page 19 of Pucking Revenge
My head snaps up, and I have to keep myself from staggering back in surprise. The better question is, how the hell does he know that? Did he say something to her? Shit, I hope not. It was bad enough that he acted how he did yesterday.
“We’re friends. We fell asleep while watching TV.” I sidestep him and head for the ice. The conversation is getting me heated, so it’s best that I walk away.
He grips my shoulder and pulls, halting my movements completely. “You can’t give her what she deserves.”
With my eyes closed, I take a deep breath to steady myself and to keep from lashing out. My uncle means well. He’s been open with me about the regrets he has when it comes to his career. But I’m not him.
When I know I can control my tone, I respond. “We’re just friends.”
“Look at me,” he says, his voice quieter.
Pressing my tongue to the inside of my cheek, I huff and finally turn to face him. “Yeah?”
“Your father never had time for you kids because he was busy with work. I was happy to step in and help you become the player you are.” He roughs a hand down his face. “You can’t do this and have a family. Not when you’re playing at the level you’re playing. She deserves better than that. You know you can’t give it to her, so don’t lead the girl on.”
Grinding my teeth, I give a single nod. He’s not wrong about how difficult it would be to live this life and have a family. It’s why I didn’t make a move on Sara when she started working with us last year. Yes, she’s amazing. And could I see a future with her? Yeah, she’s the only person who’s ever made me question the damn pact I made with myself when I went pro.
But I grew up coming in third to my father’s other responsibilities. I won’t make that mistake. This life isn’t easy, and in order to give it my all, hockey has to be my primary focus. That means a family will have to wait until after I retire. Coach is also right about Sara. She deserves the undivided attention of the man she’s with. She deserves someone who will put her first. I can’t be that person.
As much as I hate this lecture, Coach is saying all the things I need to hear. Sara’s relationship status at this moment doesn’t matter. Neither does how she feels about me. If, by some miracle, she ever sees me in the way I see her, I couldn’t be with her. Not while I’m still playing. And I’d never ask her to wait for me.
“Now get on the ice and give me a hundred. I told you to stay away from that girl. You went against my instructions, and now you have to deal with the consequences.”
His words are like a damn slap. One minute, he’s talking to me like he cares, and the next he’s playing stupid games. I storm toward the ice, pissed off again.
The man may be able to force me to listen to him while I’m on the ice, but tonight, I’ll be walking into the party with her on my arm. And I’ll gladly pay for it with another hundred push-ups tomorrow.
“Does this look okay?” I shift the phone so Lennox can see the slinky silk dress I’m wearing. It’s a deep cranberry color, and I’ve paired it with a pair of nude suede heels she lent me.
When I texted Lennox this morning and mentioned the party tonight, she had her personal shopper deliver these items. She has more money than she knows what to do with, and no matter how much I beg her not to spend it on me, she does anyway. She says it’s her love language and to let her love me. You can only say no to that girl so many times.
She raises her brows and smirks. “Seb is going to die when you walk into the party. The man will be claiming you and eating out of your hand by the end of the night.”
My stomach sours. “Ugh, that is so not what I’m going for.”
Lennox gapes and moves to her phone. “Wait, what?”
With a sigh, I pick up the phone, then I slump against the bed. “We’re done.”
“What happened?”
“He was being a dick about my friendship with Brooks. And it wasn’t the cute kind of jealousy. He made Brooks do push-ups on the ice in front of the whole team yesterday. And from what I heard, he did it again at practice today. A hundred of them. He’s being an ass.”
“Wow, Seb sucks.”
I laugh. “Yes, he does. And that’s not even the worst of it. This morning, he accused me of playing games and told me that if I thought this would make him ‘claim’ me, then I was sorely mistaken. That it would never happen.”
“And then he made a veiled threat about my job.”
Lennox goes rigid, and I swear flames burst in her eyes. “He wouldn’t do that to you. If he even considers it, I’ll fucking string him up by the balls.”
My heart takes off again, just like it did this morning when he made that comment. Losing this job—and in turn, losing the ability to afford Ethan’s medication—would mean my mom would have to choose between his meds or her rent. It’s unfathomable.