Page 69 of Pucking Revenge
“Shit.” The word is low, almost imperceptible, as she pulls back. Licking her lips, she studies me, scanning every inch of my face. “Shit.”
“You already said that,” I tease softly. Then I go back for more, gently brushing my lips over hers one more time.
When I step back this time, her eyes are hazy, and a slow grin spreads across her face. She blinks once, twice, then she offers a small wave and takes a step backward, toward the door. In true Sara fashion, she stumbles over her own two feet, but she quickly rights herself. With a shake of her head and a little laugh, she spins, and then she’s gone.
Shit is right.
“Good Morning, Boston. I’m Colton, and this is my co-host, Eliza, and we’re here to bring you the Hockey Report.”
“Good Morning and thank you, Colton. I think we all know what we’ll be talking about today.”
“No, Eliza, I think our hockey fans would prefer to talk about the actual game more than the news you’re thinking of.”
Eliza laughs. “Please. You gossip more than I do. Before the show started, you?—”
“Don’t finish that sentence, or I’ll tell Mom you complained about her lumpy mashed potatoes last Thanksgiving.”
Eliza hisses. “I’m going to kill you, dear brother. And Mom, I loved your mashed potatoes. They were perfect. Ignore him. Now, as I was saying, what we all really want to talk about is the news that Brooks Langfield is in love!”
Colton chuckles. “He didn’t say that. Give the poor man a chance. When asked about the woman he brought out on the ice during warm-ups, he said, and I quote, ‘I’m crazy about her.’”
“So who’s the lucky lady?”
“He didn’t give a name, but there are reports that he was seen kissing the head of Bolts’ public relations after the press conference, so chances are she’s the one,” Colton surmises.
“If not, he’ll have some explaining to do. In the meantime, the Bolts are heading to Denver next. They’ll be on the road for the next two weeks, so if she’s his good luck charm, then we’re in luck, because she travels with the team.”
“Thank God for that.” Colton laughs. “Now can we talk about hockey?”
“When will you be home?”
The only reason Ethan is asking is because my mother is driving him nuts. He knows as well as I do that she’ll turn her desperation on me the moment I walk through the door. Then he’ll have a reprieve.
I turn my phone so that Ethan can see the team calendar pinned to my bedroom wall. Each of our trips, including the one to North Carolina in four weeks, is listed clearly. He knows when I’ll be there, so the question is unnecessary. The kid follows the Bolts’ schedule like he works for the team. He knows all the guys’ stats and loves to tell me who’s playing well and who could use some work. Not that I share that information with them, and not that I have any control over the roster or decisions that aren’t directly related to PR.
“Soonish. You know that.”
Ethan groans. “Wish I could come stay with you. Your apartment is empty half the time anyway, since all you do is travel.”
I laugh. “I doubt Mom would let you move to Boston, but nice try.”
“She barely lets me go to the bathroom alone, so yeah, that’s a solid no.” He heaves a sigh. “You going to see Josie today?”
“It’s Sunday and I’m in Boston, so you know it.”
“Can you FaceTime me when you get there?”
“Will do.” I nod and give him a smile. “Okay, I’m going to get in the shower. I told Ava we’d meet her at ten.”
Lennox walks out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her body and her platinum blond hair dry.
“Love you, kiddo. Say hi to Lenny.” I toss her the phone, then head toward the bathroom while she wanders out into the main living area.