Page 111 of A Major Puck Up
“Just the person I wanted to see,” Sebastian Lukov says as he saunters up to me.
For most of my life, I looked up to the man. I was a teenager when he married my aunt. Back then, he played for the Bolts, and I practically worshipped him. Then I considered him a friend. For ten years, we worked together to create and foster a program that allowed us to win the cup. Not once did I ever imagine he could be such a liar and a cheat.
Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I hold Vivi tighter. “Hate to disappoint you, but the feeling isn’t mutual. So if you don’t mind?—”
I step to the side to pass him, but as I do, he grabs hold of Vivi’s hand.
Instantly, ice runs through my veins and my entire body goes rigid.
“And who is this?” he asks, focus fixed on her.
“Don’t touch her,” I grit out.
Even Vivi senses the inherent evil inside this man. My always happy, friendly girl curls her body into my chest and rubs her face against my sweater, as if she doesn’t want to look at him.
“Where’s the girl’s mother?” He tilts to one side, as if he’s waiting for someone to miraculously appear behind me.
“Not in the picture.”
“Heard she was left outside my old apartment door,” he muses, one brow lifted.
With a hand on Vivi’s back, I rub comforting circles. The move is just as much for me as it is for her.
“Better you than me.” His steely blue eyes meet mine. “Though you seem to have everything now. My old job, a mysterious child who just so happened to be delivered to you at my old door.” He pauses as he lets that sink in. “Sign the papers, Gavin. All I’m asking is for my fair share. No need for things to turn nasty.”
“They turned nasty when you cheated on my aunt, you piece of shit,” I hiss, my anger getting the best of me.
Sebastian’s lips tip in an amused grin, his gaze going to Vivi again. “We both know there is way more at stake. I’m sure you’d hate for that little girl to be the one who suffers.”
I nearly swallow my tongue. “What the hell are you insinuating?”
“Sign the amended contract. I get my bonus. I get what I’m owed. You shouldn’t keep things that don’t belong to you.” He zeroes in on Vivi again.
I suck in a harsh breath, frozen to the spot, unable to speak. Not that I’d have the first clue about what to say.
He doesn’t wait for a response, though. With one more sneering smile, he stalks off.
What the actual fuck was that?
Rattled and also fucking pissed off that Sebastian had the audacity to touch Vivi, I slog my way into the restaurant and to the table where my brothers and Sara who are all laughing and chatting.
Sara stands and smiles as we approach. “Hey, Vivi girl. Come to Auntie Sar. Daddy looks like he needs a drink.”
I cough out an annoyed laugh as she takes Vivi. “That obvious?”
“What happened?” Brooks asks, pushing a glass of whiskey toward me. “I ordered it for you. I’m drinking water.”
I drop into the empty seat and take a big gulp of the alcohol. “I saw Seb.”
Brooks’s jaw goes rigid, and he lifts up, scanning the restaurant.
“He’s gone.”
Aiden hisses and rubs at his eyes. “Tomorrow is going to suck. I can’t believe they hired the slimeball.”
Brooks leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. “He’ll fit right in with all those jerks.”
Sara keeps an arm wrapped around Vivi’s midsection and rests her free hand on his arm. “This has got to be hard on all of you.”