Page 144 of A Major Puck Up
“Is it finally out in the open? Can we tell everyone Princess Peaches is Millie and Millie is Princess Peaches?” Aiden asks, bouncing on his toes. “There’s a song by Jack Black I’ve been practicing while I’ve been waiting, anticipating, this moment right here.” “Aiden,” Sara says, giving him a pitying frown. “He’s singing to Princess Peach, not Princess Peaches.”
Aiden shrinks before my eyes, hurt flashing across his face, but Brooks saves the day. “Come on, crazy girl, we all know Aiden changes the lyrics. Let him have his moment.”
Aiden brightens again. “So, can I? Is it? Are we?”
Beside me, Gavin frowns. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Does everyone finally know that you’re together?” He steps closer and lowers his voice. “Keeping this secret since I saw you on the beach in Aruba has been killing me.”
“Since Aruba?” Brooks’s shocked laugh echoes through the empty space.
“Vivi and I are going to take a walk. She doesn’t need to know about what her daddy was doing in Aruba.” Sara winks at me and disappears.
“Tell me he doesn’t mean the time we were in Aruba for Lake and Ford’s wedding.” Brooks’s expression is even, but he’s a big guy—bigger than his brothers—so even though he’s a complete softie, he looks slightly menacing at all times.
Gavin pulls me in close and presses a kiss to my neck.
“What are you doing?” I hiss.
Gavin clings to me. “Yes. Aruba. I’m talking to Ford tomorrow. I’d like to enjoy what might be my last day on earth with my girl and my daughter. Get all your questions out of the way now so Millie and I can skate.”
Aiden’s grin is so bright it hurts to look at, his eyes bouncing between Gavin and me. “I really love this for you. Ford will be fine. You got this, big bro.”
I smile, even if I don’t quite believe the sentiment. It’s nice to know at least one person is for us, and it’s nice to be out in the open with the man I’ve fallen for. Aiden isn’t gaping at us like we’re a circus show, and he isn’t questioning why his brother would want to be with me. Not thinking that I must have seduced him.
I kind of did—but I know his feelings are real too. He wouldn’t risk his reputation and his friendship with my dad if they weren’t. This is more than lust and more than a mid-life crisis. I’m enough. Just me.
That’s what I hold on to as we go in search of Vivi. As we step onto the ice and everyone stares, I take a deep breath and remind myself that their opinions don’t matter. This man has fallen for me. We’re happy.
Vivi is strapped into the carrier on his chest, facing out so she can enjoy the view. Gavin has our fingers twined as he guides us around the ice, a big smile on his face.
Aiden and War skate backward in front of us. War makes silly faces and gently taps Vivi’s nose and feet while Aiden sings his newest tune about Princess Peaches and her no-longer-growly king.
Daniel eventually joins in. Like I said, the kid can’t keep from jumping into the fray. His smiles are genuine as he teases Vivi and the guys. He’s the best brother, and as long as I’m happy, he is too. That’s how it’s always been.
“You doing okay?” Gavin asks as we take another trip around the rink.
“Yeah,” I sigh, giving him a warm smile. “I just wish I could skate backward so I could watch Vivi’s reaction to this.”
Gavin lifts my hand to his lips and presses a soft kiss to my knuckles. Then he lets go and spins so he’s skating backward.
Vivi breaks into a gummy smile, her rosy cheeks lifting, when she sees me.
“Show off,” I tease. “Hey, bestie. You having a good time?”
She squeals and kicks her feet. “Duck!”
A laugh bubbles out of me. It’s so violent I stumble. For a second, I’m sure I’m going down, but then a warm hand grasps my elbow, keeping me steady. I turn to say thank you and am met by the steely blues of Camden Snow.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, thanks,” I say, bringing a hand to my racing heart. I quickly peer at Gavin to gauge his reaction.
The smile Gavin has worn all day has been replaced by a scowl. I give him a small nod, silently signaling that I’m fine and he has nothing to be upset about.
“So you and Coach?” Camden asks slowly, his hand still on my arm.
I grab hold of the ledge, coming to a stop. Gavin continues and does some fancy footwork, which results in ice flying up toward Aiden.