Page 154 of A Major Puck Up
“Since when do we care what Lake says?” Kyla shrieks.
Paul groans and hangs his head. “Enough of that too.”
Ford, Daniel, and I all stare at Paul in shock.
“Seriously. Lay off Lake. I was the asshole,” he says, hitching a thumb at his chest. “Not her. She fell in love. I’m happy.” He flings his hand toward his dad. “They’re happy. The only unhappy one is you, and quite frankly, none of these relationships involve you.”
“You’re my son, and she’s my daughter. Of course they involve me.”
Daniel steps in front of his mother and faces her full-on. “Then be her mother and let the one person she’ll want holding her hand into the room so when she wakes up, she’s comforted.”
I close my eyes and focus on my heartbeat. I’m so fucking scared, and I’m not above dropping to my knees and begging Kyla to let me in to see Millie. I need to know she’s okay.
Please let her be okay.
“You should go home and shower. Don’t you have a game to get to?” Ford’s voice is scratchy, muffled too. Could be that I’m so delirious. Twenty-four hours ago, I got the call from Daniel, and Millie is still unconscious.
I scoot closer to the edge of my chair and silently will my girl to open her fucking eyes.
Beckett’s in the corner, talking quietly to Lake. The coffees he brought are on the table next to Millie’s bed, getting cold. I can’t let go of her hand long enough to pick one up. I haven’t left this seat since I was finally allowed in the room. The others have taken turns sitting where Ford is now. Daniel is currently pacing the hall while Kyla and Paul grab food from the café downstairs.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Ford clears his throat. “I can call you when she wakes?—”
My spine snaps straight, and I shoot figurative daggers over the top of Millie’s bed and straight at her father. “When she wakes up, I’ll be sitting here, whether you fucking like it or not.”
“I wasn’t—” Ford hangs his head.
Standing, I sweep Millie’s curls away from her face and press my lips to hers. “You’re gonna wake up, right, Peaches? Vivi and I need you.” My voice cracks, right along with my heart. It’s already been pulverized. I didn’t think it could break more, but every hour she doesn’t wake up sends another fissure through it. “I need you, Millie. Please.” I bury my face in the pillow beside her head and let another round of tears fall.
My world stops again when there’s a brush against my cheek, and then a muffled voice more beautiful than anything I’ve ever heard says, “Vivi. Where’s Vivi?”
“Doc!” Ford leaps to his feet. “We need a doctor!”
Lake hustles from the room, and Beckett puts his phone to his ear. I ignore it all, too lost in golden eyes zeroed in on me. The most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.
“Peaches,” I whisper.
She licks her lips and winces, a flash of pain crossing her face. “Vivi,” she croaks.
I press my finger to her lips. “Save your words, baby. Vivi is fine. She’s at home with Brooks and Sara.”
“I hear our patient is awake.” The doctor strides into the room, pulling her stethoscope from around her neck. “Can I have a listen?”
A hand squeezes my shoulder. “You gotta let her go. Give the doctor some room,” Beckett says.
I blink a few times, kiss Millie one more time, and then let go of her hand, allowing the doctor to check her. My hand tingles, and the cool air against my palm feels foreign as I flex it.
“You gave your family quite the scare. Fortunately, nothing is broken. You just hit your head on the window pretty hard. Can you tell me your name?”
Even with the blue-black bruise and the knot on her head, Millie, awake and somewhat alert, is the most beautiful sight. Her voice is husky and weak, but she has no trouble answering each question the doctor asks.
“Do you remember what happened?” Ford asks, settling back in his spot next to her.
Millie scans the room slowly before focusing on me again. “No. How’s your car?”
“Who the fuck cares?” I grit out.