Page 39 of A Major Puck Up
“Ouch,” she mutters. “Not exactly the reaction I expected, but message received. You’re not interested.”
A low rumble works its way out of me as I stalk toward her. I barely find the willpower to stop myself when I’m a breath away, my chest heaving and my hands fisted so I don’t reach for her. “The last thing I am is uninterested.”
Gold eyes meet mine, holding me hostage. I’m her captive, under her control, just as I’ve been since the last time she stripped down and gave me everything.
I’m a goddamn hostage in my own mind. She owns me.
Her shoulders settle, and her expression evens out. “Okay, we’ll sleep then.”
Then she spins around, her peach of an ass swinging as she does, and slips beneath the covers. She scoots to the far side of the mattress, leans back against her pillows, and gives me a sweet smile.
“I’m just going to use the bathroom.” Without waiting for a response, I snag my bag from where I dropped it by the door and hustle into the tiny space. Sure, a moment alone to brush my teeth is great, but really, I need a goddamn cold shower and to slap myself in the face a few times.
But more than anything, I need to not make another move with this girl until I figure out what the fuck my endgame is here. Because I can’t fuck her again unless we can have more. I’m not willing to fuck up my friendship with Ford for anything less.
So I study myself in the mirror and make a promise. I will not fuck my best friend’s daughter.
Not tonight, at least.
I wake up to an empty bed, a pounding head, and a throbbing dick. Spending the night next to a naked Millie, who rolled over and splayed her body across mine as soon as I got into bed, was the purist torture.
I blink up at the ceiling as I find my bearings. There’s a strange noise filtering through her apartment. It’s so low I can barely make it out, but it’s a tune of some sort.
With a grimace, I sit up and scan the room, and when I spot Millie sitting at her kitchen table—if you could call it that—I’m hit with a wave of comfort. It’s so good to have her this close. She has one knee pulled up to her chest, and she’s bouncing her other foot on the floor as she taps out a tune on a small electric piano.
“Peaches,” I rasp.
Her golden eyes find me, and her face lights up. “You’re awake.” She bounds out of her chair and launches herself onto the bed and into my arms.
Oh, to be in my twenties again.
I tangle a hand in her hair and angle her head so I can get a good look at her gorgeous face. Those pink cheeks, bright, excited eyes, and peach lips that smile so wide my chest aches.
“Hi, beautiful.”
She licks her lips, her expression going a little wicked. “It’s tomorrow.”
I chuckle. “It is.”
“And we’ve now slept.”She walks her fingers up my torso idly.
“That we have.”I tighten my hold on her hair just a little.
“So.” She cocks a brow. “What are we going to do now?”
“Food would be good.”
She makes a little growling sound that’s so adorable my resolve weakens. “Food?”
“Yeah, I’m starving.”
With a hmph, she rolls over and lounges against her pillow, taking her warmth and joy with her. With a loud, resigned sigh, she points to the bathroom. “Fine. I’m going to shower, and then I’ll take you to my favorite café.”
I press my lips together to keep from smiling at her frustration. What she doesn’t know is that I’m frustrated too. But I have a plan, and I’m sticking to it.
We spend the day stopping in one café after another, along with all of her favorite spots in the city. While we’re wandering through the Louvre, she mentions a small wine bar that sometimes has open mic nights, so I force her to take me there too.
While Millie is cozied up to me in a small velvet booth, entranced by a woman crooning a French song into the mic, I’m entranced by Millie.