Page 90 of A Major Puck Up
Brooks: Damn straight. Crazy girl says donuts from the place on Thayer Street, Beck. Aiden, don’t you dare take Miralax before you get here. Gav, you got this. Whatever this is.
Brooks: But is it safe to guess that “this” has something to do with Millie holding your daughter?
My stomach drops, along with my jaw, as I gape at my phone. How the hell?
Before I can make my thumbs work to ask how the fuck he knows that, an image appears in the thread. And now my heart is dropping too. The photo is of the woman who is currently the bane of my existence. And sure enough, in it, she’s holding my Vivi girl in her arms. Even as my jaw hardens in anger, I save it to my camera roll.
Brooks: Lake just posted this on Instagram. Sara is still squealing about it.
I can actually picture that happening, and I surprise even myself by laughing at the way the moment plays out in my head.
Millie peers over at me. Her curious expression has me clamping my mouth shut. She doesn’t get my smiles. Not anymore.
But dammit, the only woman I have time for is currently looking at Millie like she hung the moon.
“What are you doing with Vivi when you travel?” Lake’s question is expected. Everyone, including sports commentators, is interested in how I’m handling being a new single dad as well as the coach of the Bolts.
The table in the kitchen is situated under a large window with a perfect view of their gorgeous backyard. I’m glad we’re not sitting in the formal dining room. Fancy chairs and babies don’t mix.
And bringing a highchair didn’t even cross my mind. Lake, of course, was prepared, though it’s awfully convenient that she just so happened to pick one up while she was out this morning.
She’s part of a growing club full of people who are prepared for me to screw up.
Yes, she’s pregnant, but she’s still got months before the baby comes, and it’s highly suspicious that she’d be out stocking up the day I arrive.
“I’ve been paying the woman who handles our charity work to help. She’s sweet, but it isn’t a long-term solution. I just—” My words dry up when I catch Millie watching me with what looks like pity in her eyes.
The last thing I want is to pour out all my issues in front of my ex.
My ex who’s got her hand on Vivi’s tray. Each time we set something on it, she picks it up with one chubby hand and tosses it over the side, and Millie’s apparently taken on the task of holding her hand to keep her from throwing food while we eat.
The way their hands twine together makes my heart clench, but I curse the stupid organ and push the feeling away. “It’ll take some time to find someone permanent.”
“I could help you.” The words are barely audible, and when I zero in on Millie again, her eyes are wide, like even she is surprised that the suggestion left her lips.
For the first time today, I turn my full focus on her. Now that she’s made an offer like that in front of her father, it’d be suspicious for me to avoid looking at her like I’ve done my best to so far. Her freckled cheeks heat under my gaze, but she holds her chin up, almost daring me to say no.
Fuck, she’s pretty.
Her curly auburn hair is down and hangs to her shoulders, framing a face so gorgeous it’s painful to look at after all the shit we’ve been through. She’s wearing a simple black sweater, but even from here, I can tell she’s not wearing a bra. It was a habit of hers I loved when we were dating. Now I have to actively remind myself to keep my eyes off her chest before my mouth starts to water.
With a heavy swallow, I shake my head. “That’s very kind, but no.”
“I’ve got nothing else going on right now,” she counters. “And it would give me a chance to spend more time with Daniel. I’ve barely seen him play this year.”
Ford clears his throat. “Don’t you have a job lined up?”
I expect Millie to wince and for pain to flash in those golden eyes. Instead, she merely smiles at her father. “That’s actually why I came home.” She takes a deep breath and turns to Lake. “I was hoping that you would be willing to look over some of the music I’ve written. Dad mentioned that I’d have a place at Hall Studios if that’s what I want, but to be honest, I don’t want to do it that way. I’d really like to work on my music and then present it to you, and maybe to others if you aren’t interested.”
Lake nods, her eyes alight. “Absolutely. Just let me know when you’re ready. I’d love to listen.”
I’ve been holding my breath so long stars dance in my vision, so I force myself to inhale. Despite everything, I want Millie to have this. And I can’t help the pride that swells in me as she asks for what she wants.
But then she turns those golden eyes on me again, and I swallow my tongue. “So since I have some time on my hands, and you need help, let me watch Vivi for you.”
I narrow my eyes, silently conveying to her that she’s playing a dangerous game. And in return, I swear hers say game on.