Page 95 of A Major Puck Up
“Does that mean she’ll be living here?” Daniel looks at us both dubiously.
Camden Snow, who’s a close friend of Daniel’s, tosses his Xbox controller onto the coffee table and stands up. “Need help moving in?”
Physically, Camden is the polar opposite of Tyler Warren. He’s all blond hair, blue eyes, and a dimple that pops when he smiles. And that dimple is on full display right now as he stares at me like I’m the best thing he’s seen in months.
I don’t exactly hate it, especially when the tension radiating off Gavin ratchets way up.
“You can all help.” Gavin folds his arms across his chest. “Millie and Vivi are coming with me. The rest of you go down to my car and bring up their stuff.”
“On it, Coach,” Tyler says, heaving himself off the couch.
As they pass, Aiden presses a kiss to the top of Vivi’s head, and she makes googly eyes at him. He has that effect on women. Most of them do. These hockey boys are something else. Before he steps away, he presses a kiss to my cheek. “Happy you’re home. I’m sure your dad is thrilled.” He juts his chin in Gavin’s direction. “Maybe he’ll even start smiling again now.” With those words, he heads off.
I blink as I watch him stride toward the elevator with the rest of the guys, dissecting the comment. Does he think my presence is what will make Gavin smile? Or the help with Vivi? I suppose it doesn’t matter. For now, my only concern is this little one.I have to prove to him that I want to be part of his life, and this is the best way to do it. Lucky for us all, this sweet girl has already carved out a place for herself in my heart.
“We’re not done discussing this,” Daniel says with a squeeze of my arm. Then he’s hightailing it after the guys.
Gavin lets out a long breath. “Are you ready now?” His voice is a fraction kinder than it has been.
In a matter of seconds, the guys are gone, leaving the common area eerily quiet and an absolute mess. Empty bags of chips, Powerades, video controllers, and straight-up porn are strewn about. “It’s like Daniel’s college dorm all over again.”
The noise Gavin makes is somewhere between a laugh and a growl.
My heart floats in my chest at the sound. I’m wearing him down already.
Vivi squirms and rubs her face against my chest, and for the first time since I met her, starts to cry. “Hey, bestie. What’s going on?” I bounce her gently, patting her on her back.
“She’s probably hungry. And needs a diaper change.” Gavin plucks her out of my arms and settles her against his chest. “Come on, Vivi girl. Let’s show Millie her room, and you and I can relax.”
I follow him down the hall, pushing away the throbbing ache that hits me every time I observe the two of them like this. His soft, comforting words to her make me want to lie against his chest and beg him to love me again.
He guides me through the door at the end of the hall, and as I step inside, I’m hit by how very real this all is. The floor is littered with toys, and the kitchen is cluttered with bottles and a can of formula. A highchair is set beside a stool at the kitchen counter. The visual of Gavin and Vivi sitting here nightly, having dinner, leaves me smiling. It’s all so domesticated, and I kind of love it.
His penthouse was the definition of a bachelor pad, decorated impeccably, if not a little sterile, with beautiful views of the city. This place is just as beautiful, but more lived-in, with an open floor plan and a gorgeous view of the seaport. As my gaze sweeps the space, cataloging every inch of my new “home,” my heart thrums in my chest wildly.
This will either be the beginning of every dream I’ve ever had, or it will be a heartbreaking disaster.
Gavin stands in the middle of the open room, bouncing a crying Vivi, watching me. Almost like he’s holding his breath, waiting for my reaction.
I spin dramatically and inhale, ready to tell him how beautiful it all is. I’ll have to tease him a little too, add some levity to the moment. But mid-twirl, I come to an abrupt stop, and my heart lodges itself in my throat. In the farthest corner, beside the door, sits a beautiful black and gold grand piano with a black cushioned bench in front of it.
Slapping a hand to my chest, I pull in a sharp breath. “Did you?—”
The words die on my tongue when the front door swings open and the guys barrel in.
“Where should we put Baby Hall’s bags?” Tyler winks at me, then grins at Gavin, obviously relishing how easy it is to piss Gavin off.
“Try the one that isn’t Gavin’s bedroom,” Daniel says, knocking Tyler with a shoulder so hard the guy stumbles.
I’d laugh at the insanity of the situation if I wasn’t still fixated on the piano.
Why does Gavin have a piano? Was it here when he moved in?
He certainly didn’t have one in the penthouse.
Around me, the guys continue to rib Gavin, chatting loudly as they carry in the bags and then settle around the counter.
Of their own accord, my feet shuffle to the piano, and one hand gently brushes over the smooth, lacquered surface. It’s stunning.