Page 84 of The Write Off
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Mom?” I don’t think my aunt is a prude, but certain scenes might make her book club friends blush.
“Why? Because of the racy parts? Old women, like me, have had sex, Rilla. Honestly, how do you think you got here?”
I’m not sure at what point I actually relax, but when I’m laughing with a young guy about his reaction to the cliffhanger ending, I realize I’m having fun. No one showed up to throw pies at me or criticize my writing. Not all of the reviews have been favorable, obviously, but everyone who came out today seems to be genuine fans of the book and I’m overwhelmed by the response.
The gang arrives about an hour in.
“You are far too cool to be related to Josh,” Callum says, admiring the crowd of people still to come.
“I’ve been telling you that for years,” I say as I sign his book.
“No arguments here,” my brother says, coming in for a hug that lifts me right off the ground. “I’m so proud of you, Rill.”
“I know you are.” I sniff, blinking my misty eyes as he puts me down. “As well you should be. I’m great. Are you ready for your trip?”
“I think so,” Betty says, hugging her signed copy to her chest. They’re heading to Rhode Island for the weekend to visit her dad. What Betty doesn’t know is that Josh is planning to propose while they’re there.
I’m so excited for them I could burst. Josh pats the front of his jeans pockets nervously like he’s got the ring I helped him pick out on him now.
“Let’s get a quick group picture so we can stop holding up the line,” Maggie suggests. She motions us to gather closer and we all crowd together, Betty and Maggie on either side of me and our obnoxiously tall partners behind us. The store manager uses my phone to take the picture. Logan rests his hands on my hips and I lean back against him, grinning so hard my face hurts.
I rouse to the sweet smell of maple and open my heavy eyes. I must have nodded off on Logan’s couch because the room is definitely darker than when I first collapsed on it.
“You’re awake just in time,” Logan comes in carrying a tray of pancakes. He’s wearing my favorite apron that never fails to turn me into a feral chipmunk. “Second breakfast is served.”
“I love it when you talk Hobbit to me.”
“I thought you’d want to use the syrup your fanboy brought you.” He passes me a tall glass bottle.
“You thought right!” I grin as I remove the plastic from the neck of the bottle. “I still can’t believe someone drove all the way from New Brunswick just to see me.” And brought me Canadian maple syrup, no less, having read an interview online where I disclosed my favorite food.
“I can.”
With his jeans and t-shirt and ruffled hair, he looks more appetizing than these pancakes. If I wasn’t ready to pass out from hunger, I’d have him for dinner instead.
“Happy anniversary, Kitten.”
“It was one year ago today you stumbled into my office doused in coffee and yelled at me for shitting on your manuscript.”
He’s right.
“A year of challenging one another–”
“And driving each other insane.”
We still bicker sometimes. Just the other day, I was baking cookies when he had the wrong opinion about one of my favorite books and I defended its honor by throwing a handful of flour in his face. He, childishly, sunk to my level and retaliated, and before we knew it, we were both covered, the kitchen looking like a cocaine party gone horribly awry. Neither of us was willing to admit we were at fault, but we handled it like adults, making it up to one another in the shower several times.
“That too,” he admits with a wry smile. “Rilla, this has been the best year of my life. I’ve laughed and learned more than ever. I’ve lived more in the last year than all other years combined and I’ve loved more than I ever thought possible. Being with you is an adventure I didn’t see coming, but now that I’m on it, I never want it to end.”
My throat tightens and my heart swells. “I can’t wait for more adventures with you.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Because I’ve booked a trip for when your book tour wraps.”
“A trip? Where are we going?” We’ve talked about going on a vacation in the spring, but haven’t made any definite plans.