Page 101 of Spin Serve
Kendra laughed and replied, “Let’s start with the cheesecake and go from there.”
“Um… We’re staying in the same room tonight, but this is our first date, so…” Aspen looked down the hotel hallway.
“You want to say goodnight here, don’t you?” Kendra asked. “And go to your own room?”
“I’m debating because I really, really want to come inside and watch that movie with you and then fall asleep next to you, but–”
“Aspen?” Kendra wrapped her arms around Aspen’s neck.
“You’re coming inside. We’re going to watch that movie and sleep. I’m going to fall asleep with my head on your chest, and we’re going to wake up next to each other. All of that is going to happen tonight.”
“Oh,” Aspen said with a little smile and wrapped her arms around Kendra’s waist.
“But first, I am going to kiss you because it’s been months, and I can’t wait any longer.”
She moved her hands to Aspen’s cheeks and leaned in. Aspen met her lips with her own, and for the first time, Kendra finally got the kiss she’d been waiting for. Her lips moved against Aspen’s as if they’d rehearsed for this moment.
“Fuck. Inside,” Aspen said and moved her lips back over Kendra’s.
“What?” Kendra asked and pulled back.
“Oh, no.” Aspen shook her head. “Not what I meant. I mean… yeah, I want that, but not tonight. I just meant that we should get inside because I’m about to press you to this door. I didn’t think you’d want the security cameras to pick that up.”
“Please, press away,” Kendra told her with a smirk. “But maybe when we’re inside the room.”
“Unlock the door.”
Kendra used her key and pushed the door open. She motioned for Aspen to go inside, which she did. Kendra then followed her in, and as the door closed, Aspen was there in front of her, with one hand on Kendra’s hip and the other pressed to the door by Kendra’s head.
“You’re a great kisser,” Aspen spoke, her lips inches away from Kendra’s. “That’s what I meant when I said, ‘Fuck,’ before. I meant to say, ‘Fuck, you’re a great kisser. Let’s get inside so that we can do more of it.’”
“I like how you said it out there better.” She pulled Aspen in for another kiss.
This time, their tongues met, and Kendra moaned. It had been a long time since she’d been kissed like this. The first year of her previous relationship had been good, and they’d made out like this back then, but not at all during the whole last year they were together. And they’d been broken up for a while now, so this kiss up against a door, with Aspen nibbling on her bottom lip before pushing her tongue back inside Kendra’s mouth, had Kendra wanting way more than what she’d talked about wanting in the hallway seconds ago.
“Babe,” she managed.
“Hmm?” Aspen asked as she moved her mouth to Kendra’s neck. “I’ve wanted to kiss this spot forever. Well, lick it, mainly, but kiss it, too.”
Kendra’s hands moved up the back of Aspen’s sweater and under it until she had Aspen’s lower back in her grasp. She pulled Aspen in closer, spreading her own legs to allow Aspen to move between them. Aspen’s hips started to rock as she continued to press her lips to Kendra’s neck.
“Bed?” Kendra asked.
“For the movie?”
“Not for the movie, Aspen.”
Aspen pulled back and looked at her.
“Are you sure? You said you wanted me to hold you tonight.”
“You can still hold me after,” she suggested.