Page 105 of Spin Serve
“I do,” she agreed.
“You see all of me, don’t you?” Kendra rolled on her side as well and faced Aspen. “I think I’ve been letting you see this part of me since the beginning because I knew you could see me and it would be okay.” She pointed to the scar in the middle of her chest. “I think that’s why I didn’t even think about it when I showed it to you on the beach after that interview.” She sniffled. “And in the car, why I unbuttoned my shirt that night. I think because… because we’ve been doing this from the moment I moved in next door, I know you.”
“You do.” Aspen ran her hand through Kendra’s hair.
“And I’ve known this whole time that it would be okay with you. I just needed to get here. I needed to get to this place where I could trust that; where I could look at my stupid scar and not think about the sport that I didn’t get to play but the life I have now, which isn’t bad at all.”
Aspen smiled softly at her.
“God, Aspen. My life is really good.” Kendra chuckled. “I don’t know that I want my job forever, and travel is starting to get to me, but that’s nothing I can’t handle or change, if I want to. And I have a house now that I really like and I’ve been working on, sometimes, with you. I have parents who love me and accept me for who I am. I have friends. I have…” She wiped a tear from her cheek. “I have a girlfriend whom I am crazy about. She makes me feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be, and I’ve never had that before.”
“I’m glad it’s me. I want it to be me,” Aspen said. “But I also wish it didn’t have to be me. I wish you could’ve felt that all along.”
“I’m just glad I do now.”
Aspen kissed her on the nose and said, “So am I.”
“No one has seen my chest since my surgery, Aspen. That means that in ten years, no one has done what you just did to me, and it felt… so good.”
“I can do it again, if you want. Right now would be my choice, but if you–”
“Yes,” Kendra interjected.
“Yeah?” Aspen asked, letting her eagerness show.
She gave Kendra a gentle shove to get her on her back and returned to her position above her before she brought her mouth to Kendra’s to kiss her, tasting some salt from the tears but feeling like they were release tears and not sad ones. She lowered her mouth to Kendra’s breast next and kissed the top of one before moving to the other.
“Can I?” She hovered her lips over the scar between them. “You can say no.”
“I don’t know how it’ll feel, but… okay.”
Aspen looked back up at her and asked, “Are you sure?”
Kendra nodded, so Aspen lowered her lips and kissed the tip of the scar. When Kendra shuddered, though, Aspen looked up again. Kendra met her eyes and gave her a small smile, so Aspen did it again, lowering her lips slightly. She kissed her over and over all the way down that scar and kept going until she reached Kendra’s belly button.
“I was thinking that maybe I could put my lips somewhere else for a while, and my hands could be on your breasts, but I promise, I will have my mouth all over them again soon.” Her nose nuzzled at the curls between Kendra’s thighs. “What do you think about that plan?”
“Yes, please,” Kendra replied and spread her legs.
Aspen settled between them, taking her in and licking her lips at the sight of her.
“Are you going to do anything down there, or…”
Aspen laughed a little and said, “Impatient much?”
“Babe, I want you.”
Aspen kissed Kendra’s inner thigh and said, “Then, I better get started, huh?”
She didn’t waste any more time and licked Kendra hard.
“Oh, God,” Kendra said.