Page 112 of Spin Serve
“We’re dating, yes,” Kendra said into her phone.
“You’re dating an athlete?” her producer asked.
“Yes. Well, we’ve been together for over a month, so we’re not really dating; we’re a couple already. Aspen is my girlfriend.”
“Kendra, with all this HR sexual harassment stuff going on?”
“I can’t control when I meet someone and want to be with them. I’ve reviewed my contract several times, and there’s nothing in there that says I can’t date an athlete I interview when I cover their sport. Aspen is not a network employee, and nothing unethical is happening here. I have no power over her, and she has no power over me.”
“Oh, that’s not true,” Aspen said softly as she kissed up her inner thigh.
Kendra glared at her, and while Aspen didn’t stop her kisses, she did go quiet.
“I know. But it doesn’t look good. People saw you two kissing.”
“So? We’re a couple. We kiss. And she’d just won her match. We didn’t make out or anything. And I’m not here on the network’s dime; I’m here on my time off to be here for my girlfriend’s tournament. We didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know. I just…”
“What?” she asked when her producer didn’t finish his sentence.
“Things are crazy here. You know that.”
“I know I’ve never done anything to deserve a call like this on my time off work. I’m not the one who caused the problems for the network.”
“I know that,” he said.
“Am I in any kind of trouble here?” Kendra checked.
Aspen did stop moving then and looked up at her.
“No, you’re not. I was just told to call you to find out what’s going on.”
“And you have. So, can I go back to my vacation now?”
“Sure,” he said. “Sorry. I had to do what the higher-ups asked me to do. I’ll check this awkward-as-hell conversation off my to-do list and tell them that everything’s okay.”
“It is okay. And I get it. I’m sorry they put you in this situation, too.”
They said their goodbyes, and Kendra set her phone down on the bed.
“Are you okay? I knew I shouldn’t have kissed you like that…”
“I’m fine, Aspen.” She cupped her girlfriend’s face in her hands. “I didn’t do anything wrong. The marketing team at the network actually loves this, believe it or not, from what my producer told me before he had to ask all those questions. They love the idea of their sideline reporter being with a very popular athlete leading up to the Olympics. It’s ridiculous. It’s just HR that needed him to talk to me, but I’m not in trouble.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. Now, will you get up here? You have to leave soon, and I want to make out how we can’t on camera.”
“I was busy,” Aspen said, nodding between Kendra’s legs.
“Later. You have an important match today. Remember, Brazil is fast. They love their tempo. You and DJ either have to play with it or slow them down somehow. Don’t give them any on-two shots unless you can’t avoid it, and take your time with your serve. Use all of it before you hit the ball over the net, if you want.”
“Yes, Coach.” Aspen laughed and moved up her body until she was on top of Kendra. “Do you think we can do it? Qualify tonight?”
Kendra looked at her like that was a silly question and said, “Of course, I do. You’re Aspen Ashley. You’re the best beach player in the world. I can’t wait to watch you kill it out there today.” She kissed Aspen’s nose. “Now, make out with me for five minutes before you have to go.” She wrapped her arms around Aspen’s neck and pulled the woman down into her.