Page 49 of Spin Serve
“He means that he’s going to go try to find a woman who’ll agree to go home with him because DJ and I both turned him down,” Kendra stated the obvious.
Aspen sat down next to her and said, “He asked you to go home with him?”
“Yes. I said no, obviously.”
“Oh, I’ll kill him.” Aspen stood up quickly.
“He asked you to go home with him?” DJ asked, appearing back at the table.
She looked disappointed, and Kendra felt bad about blurting that out without considering DJ’s feelings.
“He’s an idiot, isn’t he?” DJ added as she sat back down across from Aspen and Kendra.
Well, Aspen was still standing and scanning the room for wherever Chase had gone. Kendra took her hand and pulled down on it to get her to sit, which she did.
“I’m not sure that’s fair. He’s drunk,” Kendra suggested.
“No, he’s an idiot,” Aspen said. “And if you want to hook up with him, go for it, DJ. But you know he’s just going to ask another woman tomorrow night and probably the night after that, too.”
“I don’t know what I was thinking.” DJ sighed.
“That he’s hot.”
“You think he’s hot?” Aspen asked her.
Kendra smiled at her then and said, “No, but I can see how some women might. He’s not exactly my type there, Aspen. You know, he does have a jacuzzi and an ocean view, so…”
“Very funny,” Aspen said with a little laugh. “You were kidding, right?” she asked more seriously.
“Yes.” Kendra laughed loudly, letting out a little snort.
She quickly tried to cover her face with her hands, but Aspen pulled down on them.
“That was really cute.” She chuckled. “Do it again.”
“No way,” Kendra told her, blushing. “Can we maybe go now? I’ve had too much to drink, and I’m now snorting.”
“No, I want you to snort more.”
“Aspen!” She laughed and playfully slapped Aspen’s shoulder.
“Fine. Fine.” Aspen looked over at DJ. “Are you okay to get home?”
“I’ve had one drink. I haven’t been finishing what he kept pouring for me, so I’m fine.”
“You know I love you, right? I just want you to be happy, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I know. And I’ll thank you later. I just… I actually liked him. Now, I realize he’s an asshole, who I’m not even sure has two brain cells to rub together, and I’m questioning how I didn’t see that before. So, I just need a minute. I’ll be good by practice tomorrow, though.”
“You were blinded by the blond.” Kendra laughed at her own joke and snorted again.
“Oh, my God. I need to get you drunk again.” Aspen laughed. “Come on. Let’s get you home.” She stood up and held out her hand for Kendra to take, which she did.
“Have a good night, DJ,” Kendra said. “Sorry about… him.” She pointed across the room toward Chase, who was leaning into another woman.
“Me too,” DJ said. “Have a good night, Aspen.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Aspen replied after DJ’s little sing-song words.