Page 66 of Spin Serve
DJ laughed and said, “You were going to call Kendra, weren’t you?”
Aspen just shrugged her shoulder in response.
Kendra stood in her driveway, unable to wait inside any longer. At first, she had pretended like she was doing something inside her garage and had moved things around in there as if that had been the real purpose of her being outside, but when she received Aspen’s text telling her that she was almost home, she’d given up on trying to look busy and just went to stand in her driveway, staring down at her front lawn, contemplating putting rocks there instead of grass because it would be easier to maintain that way and would save some water, too.
When Kendra saw a car slow down before it reached Aspen’s driveway, she started walking that way.
“I can help,” she offered when Aspen opened the back door of the car. “Where’s DJ?”
“Probably at home by now. She lives closer to the airport. Also, hi.” Aspen smiled up at her as Kendra helped her get out of the car.
“I thought she’d be with you to help.”
“I told her I was okay, which I am.”
“When are your parents coming over?”
“They’re not. I mean, they might still come over to check on me, but I told them I was okay.” Aspen wrapped her arm around Kendra’s shoulders. “I don’t even need crutches. I can make it inside, Kendra.”
“You’re supposed to stay off it for at least a week, Aspen. It’s only been two days.”
“I know. And I’ve listened to the doctor, I swear.”
“I’m helping you get inside,” Kendra stated. “And why don’t you have crutches, at least?”
“I had a wheelchair at the airports, and my butt was in my seat on the plane other than to go to the bathroom. I hobbled there to be safe, but I’m okay. I just need to avoid putting all my weight on it.”
“Where are your keys?”
“I have to get my stuff first,” Aspen reminded.
Kendra turned her head to see the driver pulling bags out of the trunk.
“I’ll come back out and get it. Thank you,” she said.
“No problem,” he replied.
“Julio’s my man. He helped me get my stuff in the trunk and told me his daughter was a big fan. Thanks, Julio!” Aspen gave him a wave as he got back in his car.
He waved back at her once inside and pulled out of the driveway, likely going to pick up his next ride.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were taking an Uber home?” Kendra asked as they walked toward Aspen’s house. “I thought DJ or your parents were with you, or I would’ve picked you up.”
“I didn’t want to bother you or my parents. I told DJ I was fine, and I am.”
They got to the porch, where Aspen pulled out her keys and unlocked the door.
“One sec. The alarm.” She moved around inside and entered her code. “Okay. Come on in.”
“I will. I just need to get your stuff.” Kendra went back outside, feeling a little upset with Aspen for not letting her take care of her, but then she remembered and muttered, “You’re not her girlfriend, Kendra.” She picked up Aspen’s two bags, after pulling the woman’s backpack over her shoulders, and went back inside. “Where do you want all of this?”
“You can just drop it by the door. I’ll take it to my room later.”
“What?” Aspen asked as she sat on her sofa and shifted until she was lying down.