Page 73 of Spin Serve
“Cool. Well, I guess I’ll see you this weekend. Aspen, tomorrow?”
“I’ll be here,” Aspen replied.
DJ put her headphones in, and with her phone in hand and her bag already in her car, she took off to get her lunch.
“So, you’ll be home for a whole week, huh?” Aspen asked Kendra as she walked around to the driver’s side of her car.
“I’ve got some stuff to do in the backyard, and I’m going furniture-shopping, but other than that, I have no idea what I’m going to do. I thought about painting, but I don’t know. We’ll see. I still have to pick out the color, and that’ll probably take me the whole week to do.”
They got in the car, and Aspen turned it on, letting the much-needed air-conditioning hit her face.
“I can help with that, if you want. What color are you thinking?”
“I don’t know. That’s the problem.” Kendra chuckled as she buckled her seat belt.
“Which room?”
“Living room and dining room. It’s one space.”
“You could still paint it different colors. There’s that little break up in the wall that could divide the colors.”
“You’re an interior decorator now?” Kendra teased.
“No, but I could still help. Out of the main colors, give me what you don’t want.”
“You mean, go through ROYGBIV with you?”
“Look at you; someone paid attention in school.” Aspen laughed and pulled the car out of the lot.
“I don’t want a red living or dining room,” Kendra shared.
“No orange or yellow, either. I guess I could do green, or blue again, and I have no idea what the difference is between indigo and violet.”
“What about two different shades of one color? You could have a darker green in one room and a lighter in the other.”
“I could go with dark-green on one wall and a neutral shade on the other,” Kendra suggested. “Maybe, like, an eggshell white or something. That might be nice.”
“Yeah, it could be.” Aspen looked over at her and smiled. “So, want to eat lunch together and look at some paint swatches?”
“I thought you wanted to go home and chill.”
“I thought you were going to make sure I put ice on my ankle,” she fired back.
Kendra laughed and said, “Stop by the taco place on the way home, then. I’m getting tacos. If you want healthy, you can get the pulled chicken ones.”
“Yea, Ma’am,” Aspen replied with a little laugh. “And paint swatches?”
“We can eat at my place. I’ll wrap your ankle in ice, and we can look.”
“Deal,” Aspen told her.
“But you’re helping me paint next week if I get something picked out.”
“Deal again,” she said.
Aspen knew they needed to talk, but this part – this trying to figure out if they were more or if they ever would be – was filled with so much excitement and anticipation, that she almost didn’t want to ruin it by speaking her feelings out loud. Only almost, though, because not talking about it meant she couldn’t yet kiss Kendra or do something more, and she really wanted to do the something more.