Page 79 of Spin Serve
Kendra shook her head and smiled ever so slightly.
“Do you mean your coach?”
“No, we don’t have a coach right now. Just someone who knows the game really, really well and keeps up with the tour, so she knows all the players and was able to help us out this week. We’re grateful for her advice and hope she has more for us later.”
“Well…” Kendra looked like she didn’t know where to go from there. “How is your ankle?”
“My ankle is great. All healed up. I’ve got tape on it now more to be aware of it than anything else, but I’ve had no problems with it today. And before you ask, because I know a lot of people have been worried about it, I do plan on icing it when I get back to my room later.”
“I wasn’t–” Kendra bit her lower lip. “So, Aspen, tell me, do you enjoy answering the same questions after every match?”
Aspen laughed and said, “No, not really. But it’s part of it. And I don’t mind your questions, Kendra. Can I ask you one, though?”
“Me? Sure. Go for it.”
“Do you like asking the same questions and getting the same answers?”
“I do, actually, Aspen, because sometimes, the person I’m interviewing surprises me and changes up their answer just enough.”
“Am I one of those people?”
“You definitely are today,” Kendra said. “You have another match tomorrow for a chance to go to the semifinals. Are you meeting up with that strategic advisor again before that match to get her thoughts?”
“I’d like to, if she’s available. I’ll have to check in with her later and see.”
“I’m sure she can find the time.”
“I hope so,” Aspen replied.
“And we’ll be right back with the men’s round of sixteen match, right here on center court,” Kendra said to the camera.
“We’re clear,” her cameraman told her a moment later.
“Aspen.” Kendra laughed and handed her cameraman the microphone before she pulled out her earpiece.
“Sorry… Am I in trouble now? Did I get you in any trouble?”
“No, it’s fine. I think it was a funny interview, honestly.”
“Can I see you later?” Aspen asked.
“For strategic advice?”
“Or just to hang out. I need to watch some film in my room with DJ today, but maybe when you’re done with work, we can all grab dinner?”
“All of us?”
“Did you want to just go with DJ? I can ask her, if you want.”
Kendra rolled her eyes and said, “Can we go? Maybe DJ can have dinner with Chase or something.”
“Oh, we’re not supposed to make fun of her for Chase anymore. She’s over him now.”
“Bummer. I was having fun with that.”
“Me too. I wonder who she’ll have a crush on next.”
“I’m going with Dan or Rocky.”