Page 94 of Spin Serve
“I do now,” Kendra replied. “How does it work?”
“How does what work? The internship?” Wyatt asked.
“Yeah. I’d like to report on it if I can. Maybe tomorrow night, we can talk about it on air during a play-by-play or a timeout, get some more interest in interns for next year.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Wyatt said. “Babe?”
“We picked our interns based on who we knew this time, but we have a site now to accept applications for next year. You could mention that. And it’s for all psychology graduate students in any discipline, so that’s important.”
“If you send me the link, I can look at it tonight and find a few points to mention. Maybe that’ll help you get more people interested.”
“Okay. Thanks, Kendra.”
“Sure. Where’s little Julia?”
“She stayed at home. I’m actually leaving tomorrow morning now that my meeting is over. Wyatt’s staying for the other game and will be home the day after, so we didn’t want to bring her since it’s only one night for me, and she’s been having trouble sticking to her sleeping schedule lately. It was easier to leave her with my mom, who gets to have Grandma time.” Everly smiled.
“What are you up to for the rest of the night?” Wyatt asked.
“Nothing. I was going to go back to my room, eat a late dinner, and get ready for tomorrow night’s match,” Kendra replied. “Why?”
“Want to grab dinner with us?” Everly offered. “We won’t stay out late. I can’t keep my eyes open past ten most nights these days.” She patted her stomach. “Wyatt’s buying.”
“I am?” Wyatt asked.
Kendra smiled at the couple and said, “I would, but I’m supposed to call–” She stopped herself.
“Call who?” Wyatt asked.
“My mom. Just to check in.”
Wyatt squinted at her suspiciously and said, “No, not your mom. Someone else. Want to try again?”
“What? Of course, it’s my mom. Why would I–”
“Still lying,” Wyatt interrupted.
“It won’t work, Kendra. She always knows. Just spill,” Everly recommended.
She nodded in defeat and said, “Aspen. I need to call Aspen.”
“Aspen Ashley?” Wyatt asked. “Why are you–” Her eyes went wide. “No! Really?”
“We’re sort of dating.”
“Sort of?” Everly asked. “How do you sort of date someone?”
“We sort of dated in the beginning,” Wyatt said to Everly.
“We did? I don’t remember it that way.”
“You don’t remember us going back and forth because you were the team shrink, and I was a player, and we were obviously into each other? Really, Ev?”
“Oh, I remember that. I guess I didn’t think of it as sort of dating. We weren’t dating. Then, we were.”
“Oh, please… We were dating from the moment we met in the parking lot.” Wyatt kissed the top of Everly’s head. “Anyway… You’re dating Aspen?”
“We technically haven’t gone out yet, which is why I said sort of before. We’ve been dancing around it a little bit, but we’re on that path, yeah. She’s been in Brazil for a tourney, and I’ve been on the road, too, but she got home last night, and we try to talk every night if we can.”