Page 8 of Three, Two, One (321)
He whispers nice things to her as I stand there watching. Calming things. She struggles a little against him when he wraps his arms around her, but he talks her down and she stills.
“Get the fucking camera, Ark.”
I let out a breath and walk back out to the living room where the camera is still clicking away. I pick it up and stop the shutter, then change the lens so I can take pictures close up.
When I get back to the bathroom the girl’s eyes are open and she’s looking up into JD’s face as he talks in that low soothing voice I never knew he had. He must ask her something because she nods her head. I zoom in on her face, catch a tear streaming down her cheek as she listens to him tell her things she needs to hear, and then I lose myself in her sad beauty.
She’s so skinny. She looks like someone has been starving her or feeding her drugs to make her forget to eat. Her hair is a true dark blonde. Not dyed, because her lashes are light now that the makeup has been washed off, leaving that trail down her cheeks. Her lips are full. Fuller than they probably should be with her skinny body. Her breasts are full too. And they don’t look fake, so she must be a nice curvy girl when she’s got some weight on her.
JD stops talking and the camera shutter startles her. Her head turns in my direction and I capture the heart shape of it. Long strands of hair are plastered against her cheek and trail down her neck to the tips of her nipples that hover just above the rising water line.
I watch her watching me. Those blue eyes studying the camera. Logging my intentions.
And even though I expect the same hostility she gave me outside, that’s not what I get. She tries very hard to smile, but she can’t do it. Her chin quivers and then she’s sobbing again.
I get all this on film.
She’s so pathetically beautiful.
JD comforts her again, his words drifting up to my ears. “Sweet thing. You’re safe now,” he says. “They won’t get you.”
I wonder what I missed in the few minutes I was gone getting the camera.
“You can stay here,” he says.
I raise my eyebrows at him, but he does not look my direction. Like what I want doesn’t matter. It’s been settled.
“I need money,” she says in a voice so low, I almost miss it over the rumble of water still pouring out of the tub faucet. “I need that money.”
JD goes back to murmuring in her ear as I set my camera down and unbuckle my belt, unbutton my still dripping wet jeans, and pull down my zipper and free my thick, hard cock.
I grab the camera and walk towards the tub.
JD just stares at me. “What the fuck are you doing?”
I ignore him. This girl started out as mine and that’s how she’s gonna stay. “You want that money, Blue Eyes? Suck my cock and I’ll pay you double.”
“Hey, asshole,” JD says. “She’s not—”
But she is. Because her hands are already reaching for me. I step into the tub and the water laps against my jeans as I get close enough for her to grab me.
And the second her tiny hands wrap around my dick, I fucking groan. She squeezes it a little and then her mouth is coming at me. Her lips are parted, her tongue flat and ready to take me in.
“You better fucking film it then,” JD says.
I smile at him and point my camera down at Blue Eyes and capture the moment her lips first wrap around my head. “Oh, fuck, yes,” I whisper, palming her head with my free hand. I glance down at JD and he’s looking up at me with an interest I can’t quite gauge. “What?”
“You’ve never filmed yourself before. Ever.”
It’s not true. But I’ve never filmed myself in front of him. “So?” I say, taking my attention back to Blue.
“So why now?”
“She wants it, that’s why.”
And she does. Because she sucks my dick like it’s delicious. Her tongue twirls around my head like she can’t get enough. Her hand pumps along my shaft with an intoxicating twisting motion that tells me she’s done her share of blowjobs. I close my eyes, hoping like fuck that the camera will stay steady as I try to enjoy the attention.
But then a hand comes up underneath my balls and I open my eyes back up to make sure I catch it on film.
JD’s hand has hers and he’s urging her to cup me.
“What the fuck, dude?” I ask him. But then he squeezes her hand and she squeezes me, and holy mother, that shit, combined with her sucking and twisting, just obliterates my mind.
“Take him, Blue,” JD says, mimicking the name I’ve given her in my head. “Take him all the way in.” And then he pushes her head towards my groin and forces her mouth to open wider. Her tongue to flatten down even more along my shaft. And her throat to open up.
I watch this all play out from the other side of the lens. JD and the girl. Me and the girl. JD’s hand making sloshing waves under the water as he plays with her pussy.
And then it’s too much. My balls tighten up and I shoot my come down her throat. She chokes and it runs out of her mouth and plops into the water, but she keeps sucking on my cock, like she’s been trained how to end a blowjob properly, her blue eyes upturned to look at me as I film her, the streaks of makeup still staining her cheeks. And when I’m done she pulls back. Slowly. So very, very slowly.
And she silently mouths, Please help me.
I put the camera on the counter nearby and kneel down in the tub so I can cup her face with my hands. “What kind of help do you need?”