Page 62 of Sinister
Rushing after him, I’m on autopilot as I scurry along, not knowing where he’s leading me. I know this is stupid but if there’s the slightest chance of getting information on my parents, I have to take the risk. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t. I scan the crowd around us as I pass, but I can’t see a familiar face anywhere, which I’m glad about because if the guys saw me following Nickolas, they’d step in and put a stop to this insanity.
Nickolas enters the area where the contenders are all getting prepped for their fights. He leads me past a few rooms and turns the corner straight into Hearts Frat territory. It’s a sea of blood red as the frat members all gather and tape up their contestants. I’m like a thorn in their side with my entirely black outfit, standing out amongst the red. Questioning stares follow me as I make my way through them and walk after their king. They must think I’m betraying the Spades but I’m not part of the frat, I’m just a bystander getting caught up in their games.
“This way,” Nickolas says as he enters a room and waits for me to follow, closing the door after me.
“What now?” I turn to glance at him and at the two female students in the room.
“They will tape up your hands and if you want, you can change, or wear that.” His gaze rakes over me, sizing me up.
“This?” I look down at my jeans and crop top. “How am I supposed to try to fight in this?”
“We have spare red shorts if you want.” He smiles at me, knowing that if I wear their frat color, it will piss Sin off even more.
It’s tempting to do that but I don’t need Sin getting his hands on me afterward and unleashing his hostile brutality on me once this is over. What he’ll have planned for me will be vile enough without needing to add to it.
“Your choice.” Nickolas shrugs and exits the room, leaving me in here with two female students.
“You don’t have to do this.” One of them looks at me in sympathy. “Whatever he’s promised you, it’s not worth it.”
“What she means is, the fighter you’re up against is a professional. She’s a Muay Thai champion.” The other girl with the dark blue hair adds.
“Great,” I sigh. “I’m going to get my ass kicked.”
“Here, give me your hands,” dark blue hair says as she pulls out some tape.
Once my hands are all taped up, I’m led back outside to the edge of the fight cage. My heart falters, my anxiety creeps up my spine knowing I’m about to be in a world of pain. Sucking in air, it feels as though I’m suffocating but I know it’s my flight or flight mechanism kicking in, and right now I think I’m about to pass out.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Dacre Cup,” the MC announces, and the crowd goes wild. Cheering and whistling erupts in the stadium deafening me in the process. “Hush hush.” He waves his arms out for the crowd to quieten down.
The noise becomes a soft murmur as the crowd follows the MC’s lead. I glance around trying to see if I can see any of the guys but thankfully, they’re all MIA somewhere. Looking down at my boots, I’m surprised no one has told me to remove them yet. Unease settles in my gut at the type of fights they might allow in this ring if I can wear my boots in there.
“We have a little change in the line up and a new contender has entered last minute. Let’s welcome these ladies into the ring. Naveah Mansfield and Monroe Vitiello,” he shouts excitedly.
“Girl, this is your last chance to back out.” Blue hair bumps fists with me. “I’ve double taped your knuckles, so they should hold. Make sure you watch for her left hook and stay to her right. Go get her!” She slaps me on the ass and pushes me up the stairs to climb into the ring.
I spot my opponent on the opposite side, bouncing around on the balls of her feet. She’s wearing a red sports crop and comfortable looking shorts, ones easy to kick in. Her hands are bare and it’s then I know I’ve made the wrong decision. This girl means business. I look so fucking out of place in my jeans and boots and the crowd knows it as they cheer us on from their seats. They know this won’t be a long show and I’ll be flat on my ass in seconds.
“Ladies, please come to the center.” The MC indicates to where he’s standing.
As I inch forward with my heart in my throat, repeating Nickolas’ words in my head, a rush of movement catches my eyes. Sin, Rome and Chaser climb into the ring, all sporting a look of rage at the current events unfolding.
“What the fuck?” Sin rips the microphone from the MC’s hands and switches it off so no one can hear what is being said. His caustic glare roots me to the spot and I’d rather face off with the scary professional fighter than him.
Rome grabs my shoulders, his fingers digging into my flesh as his anger pulsates around us. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Get her out of the fucking ring. I’ll take her place.” Sin’s hostile gaze settles on me.
Chaser grips him by the arm trying to move him away. “No, man, you can’t.”
“I want to fight.” I stand my ground, sick of this asshole ordering me around.
Sin tilts his head and studies me. “You don’t get a fucking say in this.”
Theo, the king of the Clubs Frat, saunters over looking at us in confusion. “What’s the hold up? Why was my fighter replaced with her?” He glances between the guys and then jerks his head for someone else to join us in the middle.
“I’m taking her place. Change the fighter.” Sin spits venom.
Theo rubs his hands together, clearly frothing over this change of contestants. “You know you can’t back out now that you’ve volunteered here in the ring. Your rules, not ours.” He holds his palms up.