Page 41 of Suspicion
“I don’t have specific plans.”
It was only a half lie. Tucker had plenty of good ideas about what they could do, but he’d already ripped through a lot of the boundaries last night, and unsurprisingly, she was rather sensitive about it.
I can’t let that happen again. He rubbed his temple at the goading thought. I need to ensure she’s willing before I make another move.
But how was that possible? Could he spend days and potentially weeks with her and not make another advance?
Blowing out a breath, he met her weary eyes. He’d done that to her. He’d taken a fresh-faced woman and reduced her to a weeping shell of herself, and he wasn’t even sorry.
“I’m just keeping you here until your dad pays up.”
“How much does he owe you?” The deepening line in her brow conveyed her worry. “I never even knew he was in debt.”
“I’m very discrete.” That was one way of putting it. “I never expose my debtors.” Without warning. He held back the final two words, assuming it was more than she needed to know.
The few men who’d fallen behind with their payments in the past were currently pushing up daises. He made sure the people who crossed him didn’t come back to cause him more problems.
Tucker didn’t normally take prisoners.
Ella was his first.
Chapter Seven
Liberty’s Fee
“You haven’t answered my question.” She slid her legs from the bed, still clutching the blanket to her chest. The cover was surprisingly soft and comfy. It reminded her of one she’d bought from a high-end store in Milan, except its worn condition suggested it had been rather more loved than her purchase. Her gaze flitted to the man who owned it.
Owned. A shudder of dread passed through her as she grasped its soft fibers. He made it sound like he owned her, too. Did that mean she was just like the blanket?
“What does it matter how much he owes?” He pulled his chair across the room and sat down opposite her.
Far too close for her liking, but then she hadn’t complained when he’d tried to kiss her.
Kiss? Her heart sped up. Is that what that was?
Their lips had collided, and God help her, she’d liked it. Even after everything he’d put her through, she couldn’t say she didn’t.
Tucker was dangerous. Her aching shoulders were a testament to that. But what perturbed her every inch as much as his proclivity for savagery was the way he could transform from the monster to the man in a matter of moments. She remembered his soft touches all too well, each brush of his fingers, and now the brush of his mouth, all branded into her memory.
Aside from the matter of escape, what played on her mind more than anything was how much more of that gentle goading she could withstand before her defenses crumbled. Whatever she’d told him, an element of his version of events had been true. She was disgusted with his behavior, yet he was right. Secretly, she had enjoyed his attention. The feel of his hands on her body had been electric. If only he’d brought her back here to the bed rather than the barn, then maybe she’d have wanted to…
No. She gulped at her resolve. No, that’s not happening. I’m not giving in. I have to focus on finding a way out, not succumbing to his chicanery.
“It matters to me.” She tensed as he leaned forward in his chair. “Apparently, whatever the answer is equates to my personal value to both you and my father.” Her head throbbed at the demoralizing idea. How could a person have a monetary value? What did that say about either of them? “So yeah, I’d like to know.”
Her tone had shifted to sarcasm. She couldn’t believe he didn’t understand why this was important to her. Had her father sold her out for a mere few thousand, or was there a seven or even eight-figure price tag on her head?
“Oh.” His brow rose as if he was surprised at her answer, but she couldn’t imagine why. “I’m not sure if the answer will please you or not.”
“Probably not.” There were no good answers, after all. Whatever number he parroted, she was still bound and stuck with him in the middle of nowhere. “But please just tell me, anyway.”
Do I have to beg him for this as well?
Frustration swelled in her chest at her weakness, torn between her inability to see her fate coming and the utter insanity of the presumption that she should have done. How could she have seen this coming? How could anyone think their own kin would throw them under the truck like this?
“Four million.” He straightened on his seat, his gaze bearing into her.