Page 49 of Obsession
He shouldn’t spank her again. Not unless she deserved it, and even then, there were better ways she could be punished. An hour in the barn with her mouth gagged would do it, or perhaps just some time hanging from her cuffed wrists outside while he chopped some wood. He’d have to deal with that task sooner or later if he was going to keep the fire burning.
He certainly shouldn’t be envisaging a life where liquefying Ella’s pussy became custom and practice, even if she was lying about her arousal. She was only supposed to be a temporary challenge—a dopamine hit while he waited for Bennett to finally take ownership of his debt—but in the short time he’d had with her, she’d become so much more.
Ella had unleashed something in him, a need more potent than he’d anticipated. Until that point, he’d have sworn the most primal urge a man could feel was the impulse to kill, especially when he’d been trained to take out a strategic target. The rush of that accomplishment had kept him going for years until his enforced retirement. He certainly would have never expected himself to be overawed by the emotional intensity firing between him and the blonde at his feet.
“Prove it to me?” Her hiss splintered his internal thought process. “It’s none of your business.”
“What was that, little girl?” He didn’t like her tone or that she’d yet again failed to address him correctly—and so soon after he’d reminded her.
“You heard me.” Her gaze darted around the space, as though she hoped an emergency exit would open for her. “What gets me hot has got nothing to do with you, sir. I don’t need your fucking opinion about it.”
“Is that right?” Irritation flared within him. Her defiance was provocative, managing to both anger and arouse him simultaneously. Once more, he was struck by how unique the wildcat was. No other woman had affected him that way. He doubted anyone else could.
“So?” He chuckled at the way her insolence had presented him with the perfect excuse to test his theory. “You do need another spanking, then?”
“What?” Her eyes were as huge as saucers as she tried to rise to her feet. He only needed one hand on her shoulder to push her back to her knees.
“Get off me!” Scratching at his arm, she yelled with frustration. “You have no right to do this!”
Even after everything they’d been through, they were still stuck dancing this same routine. His jaw tightened at the disappointing idea.
I thought we’d got past this.
Perhaps that had been naïve? Tucker had been a captive once and couldn’t imagine ever falling in line for his prison guards. Yet the dynamic between him and Ella was different. The sparks he sensed were perceptible, as was the continual push and pull that goaded him, whether or not she was compliant.
Ella was his little girl.
She only needed another reminder, that was all… and if he could inadvertently demonstrate just how horny his authority made her, all the better.
“Oh, Ella…” His voice had a sing-song quality as he gripped her forearm and rose to his feet. She yelped as he pulled her to her feet alongside him, clawing at his hand as he yanked her away from the licking flames and toward the bed.
“What are you doing?” Her voice was caught between fury and fear as she presumably appreciated how far she’d pushed him.
Too far.
“Showing you.” He wanted to grin at her alarm but bit back the gesture. Dragging her to the bed, he took a seat on the edge, still holding her arm despite her best attempts to get away.
Even though the perpetual rise and fall of turmoil between them was neverending, Tucker was starting to love having her around. It helped that she was gorgeous, of course, and smart. He’d assumed Bennett’s child would be dim and vacant, but his assumption had been wrong. Ella was engaged and interesting to talk to, and although her life experiences appeared to have been limited, he found her riveting. Tucker had enough life experience for them both, and as it turned out, it was good to have a woman around the place.
Especially one like Ella.
Especially if it meant he got to tan her wonderful hide whenever it suited him.
And it did suit him.
“Show me what?” She compelled the words out between gritted teeth. Loathing shone in her gaze, but he could see the lust interspersed there. Her response was just like usual—she loved him, she hated him, or at least, she loved and detested what he did to her.
“How right I am.” A smirk lit up his face as he jerked her closer to the bed.
“Stop that!” she yelled, trying and failing again to pull away from him.
Staring into her eyes, his lips twitched as he wrenched the blanket away from her delectable body. Triumph soared with passion as he offered her the curt reply.
“What?” Shock danced in her eyes as she watched him throw the blanket onto the bed behind him.
“I said no.” Ascending to his full height, he pierced her with the weight of his stare. If there was one thing the military had taught him, it was how to play the long game. He would go to war, take Ella with him, and push her right to the precipice of her limits. But only if he had to. He’d tried to be tender, friendly even, but all that had bought him was more of her insubordination. It was time to remind her of her place.