Page 9 of His Determined Bear
She rolled her eyes but walked towards me anyway. I could read her expression. It was the one that said, ‘What the fuck now, Cooper?’ When she sidled up beside me, she sighed and said, “What is it now, Coop? Didn’t I tell you Aaron was a lovely man?”
I considered keeping my suspicions to myself but thought better of it. I would hate myself if I didn’t do everything in my power to protect my mom.
“Look at this,” I pushed the frame towards her but didn’t voice my suspicion. Maybe she would see what I was seeing.
She looked down at the frame and then back at me, “What about it?” she asked.
“Don’t you think they look alike? Did he mention he has a son? Don’t you think that is something that should have come up? It’s a pretty big secret to keep… what if there are others?”
The expression on her face told me she was considering whether or not I might need some sort of medication to calm my ass down. She studied me for a few seconds and found me bobbing my head like, well, a bobblehead. Mom's eyes returned to the picture when she had finished my impromptu psycho-analysis. A furrow appeared to form between her brow. I found myself holding my breath. I was surprised to find I was hoping she would say I was seeing things. I don’t know what it was… or even when it happened, but my opinions were changing, and I didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news.
“Is everything okay?” At the sound of Aaron’s voice, I was startled, but mom didn’t even flinch. She simply held up the frame and asked, “Who is this?”
Aaron came over and stood beside her, staring down at the picture. I kept my eyes on him to see if there would even be a trace of guilt, but none appeared. instead, his lips curved up into a warm smile. “That’s Graham. He’s a former student of mine and a very good friend.”
Mom chuckled, “Ahh, you talk about him a lot, and I can’t wait to meet him.”
He pulled her into him and placed a kiss on her cheek, “You will now you’re here.” How the man could infuse so much joy and affection into his words was beyond me, but somehow he managed it. There was no doubt he wanted her here.
“He even brought brownies over a few days ago. They’re in the cake holder on the counter, but I bet once I tell him you’ve arrived, he’ll be over with some fresh baked goods for you. He owns Three Bears Cafe in town. I’m sure you drove past it on the way here.”
My mom shot me another stink eye that wordlessly said, “See!” To Aaron, she said, “I can’t wait to meet him.”
I shrugged at her and tried to convey telepathically that I had to ask. I followed behind them as we made our way into the kitchen.
Aaron opened the fridge and looked back at us, “I went shopping this morning, so the fridge is fully stocked. We could also order in or go out for dinner. If there’s anything you might want that I didn’t buy, I can head to the store now and pick it up.”
Mom glanced at me and shrugged, “I think we should eat in today, and if we need to pick anything up, I’m sure Cooper will go to the store since he’s the picky eater.”
I snorted. “I think the word you’re looking for is discerning.”
She ignored me, but Aaron chuckled and smiled at me. And for the first time since we had arrived, I found myself returning it.
“But I think we’d like to wash the road off us first, right Cooper?” She looked my way for a brief second before her eyes went to Aaron. They shared a heated look that had me looking away because, Ewww, I so didn’t need that visual in my head.
“Actually, why don’t I go out to the store. I forgot something at the hotel.” I stopped at the cake stand and grabbed a brownie from under the glass dome. I took a bite and chewed, “Hmm, a little dry but not bad,” I said.
Mom shook her head in exasperation at me. “Can you stop being a food critic for just one day?” She laughed, “I swear he has something to say about everything he eats.”
“Maybe he should come to teach a class one day,” Aaron suggested.
I laughed at that suggestion and put my hand up. “Ooo gosh, I can just imagine angry parents coming at me for giving their child a harsh review. No thanks.”
“I have some kids that are really talented and have their sights on culinary school. I’m sure they would love to hear what you have to say,” Aaron said.
It felt like an olive branch, so I smiled and replied, “Maybe….”
That was as much as I was willing to commit. It was looking less likely that she would end up in a well in Aaron’s basement, but that didn’t mean he was good enough for my mom. Time would tell.
Chapter 4
“Our orders are up for Crazy Bear Pastries. I think customers really like that we don’t use as many preservatives as other brands. Also, the brewery expansion is on track. You know Nash is on it, so I bet the restaurant will be perfect when he’s finished. The cafe—”
My dad snorted and put his hand up, “This is not a meeting, son. Calm down and relax. I’m sure everything is running smoothly. You and your brothers always have everything well in hand.”
“You mean Gabe and Rhys,” I chuckled, “they’re the ones that make sure nothing gets overlooked.”