Page 12 of His Omega Bear
Rhys' eyes widened, and I didn't think it was possible for anyone to turn that shade of red, but he managed it.
I couldn't believe I'd even said those words. Probably the sleep deprivation. Nothing more.
The familiar warmth I’d felt around him returned, so I left the kitchen before I said something else that I shouldn't.
Heading up the stairs and into my bedroom, I glanced longingly at my bed. I hadn't managed a full night in it yet, but maybe if Rhys shared his baby secrets or keeps coming over, I might actually get a full night’s sleep.
I ignored that voice, especially when the image of Rhys in bed with me flashed in my head.
“Shower,” I muttered. Stripping off, I walked into the massive shower attached to my bedroom. I could tell it too had been recently renovated. Probably by Jayson, to prepare for him and Leanne to come home. I shook off that thought and the dull ache from losing my sister, too. All I needed to do was shower, get dressed, have a nice meal, and pray that Emilia stays asleep long enough for me to get some more rest.
Just the long nap had me feeling refreshed, like I hadn't felt in days. A full night and I could be ready to run a marathon.
I took my time in the shower, letting the hot water cascade over me, washing away the sweat and grime of the last couple of days. My thoughts kept drifting back to Rhys, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have him in the shower with me. I shook my head, trying to dispel the thoughts. This was not the time or place for that kind of thinking.
I hurried through the rest of my shower, scrubbing until I finally felt clean. I rinsed off quickly and got out, not letting my thoughts stray for a second before other parts of my body took notice.
I'd just wrapped a towel around my waist when I thought I heard Emilia cry. I wrapped the towel around my waist and rushed down the stairs. Closing the distance to the kitchen, I walked in to find Rhys bouncing her while muttering at the bottle warmer to hurry up.
“Every okay down here?”
Rhys spun around and his mouth opened after his eyes went wide. Only a squeak came out as his eyes traveled down my chest, over my abs, and down to the hint of my happy trail before coming back up to meet gaze.
I was wrong. He could get redder.
And it shouldn't have tickled me so much, but it had been a while since anyone had looked at me like that, and Rhys was very attractive.
Aware of the effect I had on him, I walked over to them. I could swear he wasn't breathing. I rubbed Emilia's back, and she quieted down a little.
Rhys cleared his throat, although I noticed his eyes were now firmly fixed on the bottle warmer. “I changed her diaper, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to give her a bath. She’s hungry, so I grabbed a bottle from the fridge.”
“Thank you.” I said, trailing a finger down her baby soft skin. “I'll just go get dressed.”
Rhys nodded but didn't take his eyes off the bottle warmer. I leaned in and placed a kiss on Mia's cheek. If it brought me closer to Rhys, well, that was a total coincidence.
As I headed up the stairs to get dressed, a voice in my head warned me that I could possibly be insane. But all I could do was smile. It was a relief to know I had a small break to get myself together without worrying. And Rhys was her family.
Sure, he seemed like a genuinely good guy, and the way he cared for Emilia was heartwarming.
When did you get so trusting, McCarthy?
Get it together.
With that thought, I grabbed the first pair of jeans in the dresser and a clean shirt to throw on. I didn't even bother with moisturizer.
Once I was dressed, I made my way back to the kitchen. Rhys was feeding Emilia as she held onto his fingers while she took her bottle. He looked down at her with a soft smile while she fixed her gaze on him. It almost felt like I was intruding on a private moment between a parent and their child, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.
Glancing at the table, I noticed Rhys had set it, as the delectable aroma made my stomach growl. He had even filled a glass of water for me.
“Thanks,” I said, taking a seat at the table. I wasn't sure if I was thanking him for the food or taking care of Emilia like she was his.
She's not, she's yours.
I was tempted to take Emilia from him, but she was already halfway through the bottle and she seemed content to be in his arms. It would be terrible to interrupt her dinner.
Rhys sat across from me. “She’s almost finished,” he said softly. “You don't have to wait on me to eat.”
I nodded and got up to make my plate. I had to admit, the smell of chicken and rice was even more irresistible now that I was clean and dressed.