Page 29 of His Omega Bear
It seemed so simple when Gabe put it that way, yet I couldn’t shake the fear that gripped me whenever I thought about revealing my true nature to Jaxson.
“Seems like it worked out pretty well for the two of you.”
Gabe grinned, a fond smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, it did. But as you know, he was shocked at first, of course, but he took it surprisingly well. He loves me for who I am, shifter and all.”
My oldest brother looked at me and smiled like that was the end of the story.
I raised my eyebrows and responded with disbelief, “That’s it? That’s the only advice you have for me? You know I have to tell him and all you give me is,” I did my best impression of him, “he loves me for who I am.”
Gabe chuckled at me. I didn’t think it was funny at all. “Okay, calm down. You know I had a long conversation with Mark, right?”
Mark was the family accountant and was married to a human.
I nodded. “He’s with Thomas.”
Gabe nodded. “That’s right, for almost twenty years. And Thomas is human.”
I rolled my eyes like this was earth-shattering news. Didn’t he understand what I needed from him? “I know, but what did he say that helped you so much?”
Gabe reclined further in his chair and looked at the ceiling, evidently trying to remember what wisdom had been shared. After an agonizingly long time, he looked back, and me and smiled. “I guess he just reminded me it’s like every other relationship. It requires work.”
I narrowed my eyes and gave him the finger. Then added a second one for good measure. The asshole. Gabe burst out laughing. When he got himself under control, he leaned forward, evidently more than amused by my response. I hated being the baby sometimes.
“Look, Rhys. It’s like this. We shifters are privy to some pretty powerful information once we meet our mate, right? We know, without a shadow of a doubt, that person was handpicked for us.”
I nodded, my ire beginning to wane.
“But that doesn’t mean the relationship doesn’t need work.” He sighed, “I bet every bit of your brain, including your bear, is pushing you to claim your mate. Or rather to be claimed by your mate.” Gabe’s brow furrowed and he opened his mouth, but then quickly shut it.
I could bet he was thinking how Jaxson would claim me since he wasn’t a shifter, but honestly, that was the least of my problems, not that the thought hadn’t crossed my mind.
“I know from the moment you scented him, your bear has been pushing you to be claimed?” It sounded more like a question than a statement. Like he wasn’t sure how it worked in the reverse.
“Yes?” I didn’t feel the need to elaborate. When the time came, Jaxson and I would figure it out.
If it ever comes, a very sarcastic voice supplied.
Gabe must have decided it wasn’t his business, at least for now, so he went on. “I bet it feels like there is this huge part of yourself that you can’t share with him, and you want to share everything. Right?”
I pointed at him. “Yes, that. That’s exactly it.” It felt good hearing my fears understood… okay, maybe good wasn’t the right word.
Gabe nodded sagely, like he knew what I needed all along and was just torturing his little brother for the fun of it.
“I’ll tell you what Mark said to me.” I leaned forward, ready for whatever advice could help me. “Trust that the Gods know what they’re doing. Trust your mate. They didn’t make him smell that way for no reason.”
I snorted. “That’s it?”
Gabe let out a weird combination snort and chuckle. “Mark made me realize that every relationship, no matter what kind, takes a leap of faith. I won’t sugarcoat it for you, little bro. The reality is, even after you tell him and show him everything, he could still run away.”
My hope sunk as my heart was pounded in my chest. I knew Gabe could hear it. But he’d just verbalized all of my deepest fears. I dropped my gaze to my hands where I had them clasped together so hard my knuckles had turned white.
Gabe must have recognized my despair. “Trust me, I had that nightmare on repeat,” he admitted.
I sighed.
But he wasn’t done shooting holes in my balloon of hope.
“Don’t forget, there’s always the chance he might spill the beans to the wrong person,” Gabe chimed in, adding to the endless list of worst-case scenarios that had been haunting me since I first laid eyes on Jaxson.