Page 32 of His Omega Bear
“Well, she certainly loves you better than she does me,” I pointed out.
He pulled back to look in my eyes, and the playful side was back. “Well, you have to admit, I am quite lovable.”
My smile was genuine. “I can’t argue with that. You are the baby whisperer.”
He flushed and ducked his head, but I wanted to make him see that I meant it. I lifted his chin with my finger. “You are very special, Rhys. You make everyone around you feel at ease.”
“Thank you, but that number in your experience is two. You and her. For all you know, I could be a monster,” he murmured.
“Not possible,” I whispered across his lips before I leaned in and pressed a quick kiss on them. He leaned into it, savoring the moment.
My hand found his, leaving me to lace our fingers together. Reluctantly, I pulled away, but didn’t let go. “Let’s go join the little munchkin in the living room. What do you want to bet she’ll be more excited to see you than me?”
Rhys chuckled softly as he followed me to the living room, his hand holding onto mine. The sound of Emilia’s squeals filled the air as we entered the room, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Rhys.
“Well, well, look who’s here!” I teased, watching as Emilia attempted to talk to him, kicking her feet in the air. It was moments like this that melted away the stress and uncertainty that had clouded my mind.
Rhys sat down on the floor beside her while she stretched out under her black and white musical toy suspended above her. His smile was wide as he interacted with her, his voice gentle and soothing. Watching them together, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of warmth within me. Maybe this chaotic journey of parenthood wasn’t meant to be done alone.
I found myself captivated by the scene before me. The way he effortlessly connected with her, showering her with affection and joy—it was a sight to behold.
I sank down onto the couch, my heart swelling with affection for both of them. Rhys glanced over at me, his eyes soft and filled with an unspoken understanding, like he could see the emotions swirling inside me. In that moment, I considered myself the luckiest man in the world that he had come to mean to me in such a short time.
I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what I was about to ask. “I was hoping we could do things a little differently today,” I began.
He looked up at me. “Okay. What did you have in mind?”
I leaned forward, elbows on my knees, as I clasped my hands together to keep them from shaking. “I’d like to spend time with you, just us.”
Rhys smiled, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” I reiterated.
His face softened as he stroked my daughter’s hair. “You know I love spending time with her, right?”
“I know, but imagine if I could get her to sleep before you got here,” I said
His brow furrowed. “But then I won’t get any time with her.” I could tell he actually meant it.
I dropped my gaze to the floor, then looked up into his warm green eyes. “I need you to make me a baby whisperer, like you.”
Rhys gave me an approving look as he curled his lips in, making me smile. “I could do that, but it will cost you.”
Now I was a smiling fool. “I’ll give you whatever you want. It would be nice if she didn’t cry like 80% of the time I was holding her. I swear each time you get her to sleep, she’s slept for longer.”
Rhys chuckled softly at my comment, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. “It’s all about finding the right rhythm with her, Jaxson,” he explained gently. “Babies can be quite sensitive to our emotions and energy. Maybe she picks up on your nerves or tension when you hold her.”
I nodded, rubbing the back of my neck. “Okay. She might be sensing some of that.”
Rhys reached out to put his hand over mine. “You’re doing great, Jaxson.”
Rhys turned away and picked her up from the floor. He stood and placed her in my arms. I made a conscious effort to relax my posture and focus on the moment. Emilia was staring up at me with those big, curious eyes, as if sensing the shift.
Rhys grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’ll let you in on a little secret—babies love it when you sing to them. She always relaxes more when she hears your voice.”
I raised an eyebrow, surprised by his revelation. “Sing to her? What should I sing?”
“Maybe not Baby Got Back,” he teased. I knew what he was talking about. I’d seen that episode of Friends.